From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 4 Cloud Application Security
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Parameterized queries
From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 4 Cloud Application Security
Parameterized queries
- [Instructor] Parameterized queries offer another approach that protects applications against injection attacks. In a parameterized query the client does not directly send SQL code to the database server. Instead, the client sends arguments to the server, which then inserts those arguments into a precompiled query template. This approach protects against injection attacks, and also improves database performance. Stored procedures are an example of an implementation of parameterized queries used by some database platforms. Let's take a look at an example. I'm using Azure Data Studio to access a SQL server database. This database has a table called Customers that contains contact information for a businesses' customers. I can write a SQL query to show me all of the customers located in the state of Texas. I'll write select star from the customers table where the customer state equals Texas, and when I execute this code I see…
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Secure coding guidance1m 59s
Input validation2m 37s
Parameterized queries3m
Authentication and session management issues1m 49s
Output encoding3m 13s
Error and exception handling3m
Code signing2m 8s
Database security3m 53s