From the course: Building a Privacy Program in the Age of GenAI

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Decentralized vs. centralized

Decentralized vs. centralized

- [Instructor] Building privacy tooling in-house or buying third party off the shelf tools is a debate with no easy answers, but another big decision awaits you as you shape your privacy program, and that's team structure, decentralized versus centralized. Let me explain. I've said this often, modern innovative companies and increasingly legacy companies as well are building teams focused on depth rather than breadth. They optimize for specialization and domain expertise over cross-functional coverage. This presents two challenges for privacy. First, many decentralized engineering teams have their own tech stacks, release pipelines, and roadmaps. This speeds up their innovation, but often creates disconnects that could cause downstream privacy issues. Second, engineers and product managers are often incentivized to focus on their key deliverables and metrics. They have little or no incentive to dedicate time to projects that while critical for compliance and trust, are not part of…
