From the course: Building a Privacy Program in the Age of GenAI

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Building data governance into organizational operations

Building data governance into organizational operations

From the course: Building a Privacy Program in the Age of GenAI

Building data governance into organizational operations

- [Instructor] Oftentimes folks use phrases that sound very smart but don't always know what that word truly means. One such phrase is data governance. So what does data governance really mean? To my knowledge, there is no universally accepted definition of data governance for all of us to use. So let's come up with the definition of data governance and then a strategy to implement governance in your organization. Data governance refers to the ability to collect, identify, track, and protect customer data and business data for your company. It includes risk analysis around the data, policies to manage the risk, and tools to enforce those policies consistently at scale across the board. A few things stick out in this definition. First, the definition speaks to collecting data with an apparatus to understand the risk posed by the data and building a strategy to manage the risk. This means you need to know what data you're collecting, why you're collecting it, and how to enforce policies…
