From the course: Build Your Own GPTs
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Publish your GPT - ChatGPT Tutorial
From the course: Build Your Own GPTs
Publish your GPT
- [Instructor] Okay, KK is ready to go public. There are three options when you save a custom GPT. Only will spoke to you, or will spoke to people with a link or everyone means the GPT will go to the OpenAI GPT Store, where people can find and interact with your GPT. Then select the category for your GPT. We'll go with Productivity. KK is designed to boost our productivity. After publishing KK from the OpenAI GPT Store, search for KK. Click on it. Cool, KK is ready to help us. Now let's test KK with a meeting transcript. Here is a sales call transcript. Alice and Bob from a SaaS company were talking to their clients. Let's upload it to KK and I'm going to request KK to extract tasks from my meeting transcript. Awesome! As we instructed in the prompt, start with a list of action items. Each item has its owner, due date, priority and description. Wonderful! Let's run one more test using Slack data. This is from a Slack channel of a startup. The team was talking about onboarding an open…
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