From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Contextualize the learning experience

Contextualize the learning experience

From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

Contextualize the learning experience

- Learning begins with what we already know. Seems counterintuitive, doesn't it? But it's the brain's structure itself, the neural network of associations and connections, of every fact we know, every idea we have, and every action we take that requires eLearning designers to consider and accommodate what the learner already knows as a starting point. The challenge in this, however, is that each learner's network is different. In addition, each individual network is itself a tangle of complex associations. And as designers, we have no clear view into that complexity. So, to begin with what learners already know, we must shift away from the point of view that learning, or teaching, for that matter, is about imparting knowledge. We should design eLearning sessions so that there is less time spent filling learners' heads, while allowing more time for them to think and generate associations with their prior knowledge. So, now we know that every learner's brain is unique. And that in order…
