From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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Who is in the pipeline?

Who is in the pipeline?

- So we talked about where there's some gaps and opportunities to fill more women in leadership roles, in business, in government, and even in sports. But who is in the pipeline? Where are the women that are to follow? So if you look at the data right now, in 93 countries, women are the majority of students graduating. So that's great news. We are graduating with different degrees. Men are seeing us in the classroom everywhere. We're learning to work together more collaboratively in the younger generations. But yet, only 20% of women pass middle management. So what types of programs are really in place to foster her leadership development, to really prepare her to take the lead? Also in sports, a 2017 study found that there's only 28% of sports coaches in youth organizations that are women. Well that's the pipeline as you think about professional coaching. So how can we encourage more women, whether they are former…
