From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Three industry examples: Where are the women?
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Three industry examples: Where are the women?
- It's our goal to make the case, and to really make that case we have to understand the data, and start with where are all the women? How are we represented right now across business, government, and even a sector like sports? So when it comes to government, in 2019, 127 of the seats in both the House and the Senate were filled by women. And that's a huge amount of progress, record numbers. But that accounts for only 24%. So while we're making progress, we're still not at equality there. When it comes to business, again, 2019, news to celebrate, we're at the highest record number of female CEOs leading Fortune 500 companies. We've got 33 women, but that accounts for a mere 6.5%. So we hear all of this progress in the news, but we can't take our foot off the pedal. We have to continue to dig our heels in to achieve that equal representation. So take a sector like sports. Well, when Title IX came about we saw this…
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