From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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The value of business school: Your ROI of an MBA
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
The value of business school: Your ROI of an MBA
- So whether a business school has ever been on your mind as a goal or has completely been in the back burner, I personally pursued mine while working full time and it took me six plus years to finish, but it was worth it because of the relationships and the doors it opened. And what I know about female enrollment in MBA programs is that we're increasing in terms of those schools that have about 40% women. But what I hear from the campuses and the schools that I work with is that too often women think that this isn't a viable pathway to them. Yet, if you have a background in science or engineering, this is a great way for you to open up doors and for you to become a leader in your field. And I think the huge opportunity here is to understand that there's plenty of resources to help you get there. Earning an MBA and attending business school may have never been on your radar, and so I want to challenge you to think about…
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