From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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The good-girl thinking quiz

The good-girl thinking quiz

- [Instructor] I'm going to walk you through the Good Girl Thinking quiz. Which is four different scenarios and I want you to jot down and number associated with how often or if you ever experienced these sentiments. Zero means you never feel this. One is sometimes this does come you for you. And two is often. So the first is, we say yes when we really want to say no at work. Zero never, this doesn't come up for me. One, sometimes is does. And two, this often happens to me. Next scenario. We completely disagree but we go along with it anyway. So zero, never. One, sometimes. Two, often. Next scenario. We put everyone's else's needs before our own. We put everyone else's needs before our own. Never, sometimes, often. And finally, we keep our feedback to ourselves so that we don't upset anyone. Zero, never. One, sometimes. Two, often. So take a second to quickly add up your responses from all four of…
