From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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Tension trapeze

Tension trapeze

- [Instructor] First scenario is handling difficult conversations. So I like you to think about the fact that when it comes to being a leader, again, with or without a title, you can't avoid conversations that bring tension because that's a part of the process. You have to have those difficult conversations 'cause that helps you unlock innovation. But preparing for them can give us so much anxiety because we can't control the outcome. If you think of the trapeze, well, that is all about the skill of having grace and flexibility. So this tool, the tension trapeze, is just four easy steps to remember as you prepare for one of those tough conversations. Step number one is to find the right setting. This is key. Think about the type of space you need. Is this the type of conversation where you can have it over a coffee in a public space? Or do you need a private conference room? Two, be clear about the issue. That…
