From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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- [Presenter] Whenever somebody hijacks us, basically our nervous system is overwhelmed. Blood floods our brain and we lose the ability to think rationally. So the best way to calm down your nervous system is to use a very easy tool, your breath, taking lower belly breaths, three to 10 is suggested to help you regain control. I know this may feel awkward but it's one of those things that the more you try it, the more comfortable you get it and it really does regain your sense of influence and control in that situation. So in addition to your breath, I want you to feel your feet, feel grounded where you are. Imagine that, imagine being in the boardroom and somebody is going crazy and throwing you off your game and all of a sudden you just start thinking about your feet. It's kind of like yoga, any type of practice where you're meant to feel grounded, it really puts you in a position of power. So use your breath and use and…
