From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Move the needle to the boardroom
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Move the needle to the boardroom
- So, a couple years ago, my daughter was in preschool, and we were walking to school one day. And a little boy came up to her and said, "You can't play with us today "because we're playing policemen on the roof, "and girls can't be policemen." So I looked down at my little girl, wearing her girl power ensemble, expecting her inner Beyonce to come out. And she basically shrugged, did nothing, and walked away. So, of course, I'm not that parent that's going to school somebody else's child, but it put me in this position of wondering, wait a minute. How early do gender stereotypes start to influence our kid's life? And research says it happens as early as ages five to seven. So I personally kind of struggled with, oh my goodness, should I have grabbed my daughter and said, "Did that just not matter to you? "Do you just really not care about playing policemen?" The next day, she comes home from school so excited. "Mom, mom…
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