From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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Men as allies

Men as allies

- So in our network of relationships, we clearly need to have strong relationships with men. Men are still dominating all those leadership positions we talked about earlier. We need them as our trusted teammates, our sponsors, our mentors, our proteges, but unfortunately, since Me Too, many studies have reported that men are three times more uncomfortable mentoring women. And they say it's because of three things that are holding them back. One is they're not sure how to approach and communicate with women. Two, they're not sure how to differentiate what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, and finally, they just want to know what women think of them. So for example, when it comes to approaching communicating with women, I offer this advise to men which is you need to think about what her goals are, her business goals, and be really clear about the intentions of a relationship. If you want to offer mentorship,…
