From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Making the case for change
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Making the case for change
- So the first step is making the case, because this isn't just, isn't the nice thing to do. Gender equality is the smartest thing that we can do, and what I found that actually, to convince all male boardrooms, or when you're talking to anybody about why we want to have an equal seat at the table, you have to make the business case, you have to show them the numbers, which means you have to learn those numbers cold, and that's what I want to show you. I want to help you understand the state of women in leadership right now across all different sectors, who's in the pipeline, and then help you think about your own industry, so that you also can get to know those numbers cold. So the first thing making the case is understand the facts. Right now, if women are half the population globally, did you know that we are driving tremendous influence? For example, in healthcare, women make 94% of healthcare decisions for themselves or for…
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