From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Making it happen
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Making it happen
- Making it happen. So this is part where we figure out what big, bold move we're going to make. How are we going to lead this change? We've identified what our fuel is, whether it's a frustration that we're using as fuel. We've looked at the representation in our field and our organization and identified how we can cultivate a pipeline of women by leading that ourselves. So now when we look at what the barriers are for us to advance, they're both internal, like those that maybe are happening up here that are maybe within our control, and those that are external, like the systems, talent management, pay, those processes in the workplace. So I want to focus on what you can control and those specific skills and areas of knowledge that I found that women have not invested enough time in and that we really do have a disadvantage. So if you look at the list in terms of different skillsets to think about, the one I wanted to…
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