From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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It’s time to dig your heels in

It’s time to dig your heels in

- So to pull this all together, it's time to dig your heels in. We first talked about finding your fuel, uncovering the thing that you really feel passionate about changing. Pick that one thing. Focus on it for the next 30 days. You're not going to transform and flip your organization upside down tomorrow. This takes steady, intentional steps forward. Two, begin doing the research to understand where the women are in your industry. Remember, we talked about where they are right now in business and government and even sectors like sports. Look at where those gaps are and those opportunities to lead change within your organization. Maybe it's your community or even in the school that you're a part of. So to be that leader today that truly inspires, builds trust and makes a difference, you're going to have to better understand what your company's commitment is to advancing gender equality at your organization. Get to…
