From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Intro to worksheet: Who is in your pipeline?
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Intro to worksheet: Who is in your pipeline?
- I've created a downloadable worksheet for you to spend some more time on this topic. It's crucial that you identify who and how you can mentor more women and cultivate that pipeline for your field, for your organization. For myself, one of the most obvious places to look are my alma maters, where I went to school, where I earned my MBA, and really be available for those phone calls or those occasional coffee conversations. But I also intentionally choose interns or hire women from programs like Barnard, the women's college within Columbia University, that are studying Gender Studies so that I can teach them how to turn research into action. I think it's really critical that we be a role model and a mentor because unfortunately, seven out of 10 women are still reporting that they don't have access to mentors. So we must be intentional about our time to cultivate those types of conversations. It doesn't have to be an…
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