From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader

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Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome

- So in this area of making it happen, one of those internal barriers that I uncovered in my research that holds women back is the phenomena Imposter Syndrome. So while both men and women can experience Imposter Syndrome, which is that feeling like you're not deserving of something or you're not ready for something, despite having a track record of results and success. 70% of people, men and women, say that they experience Imposter Syndrome, yet the consequences for women are much more derailing. I talked about earlier that likability bias, well, there's also that performance bias. So if we're being judged on our capabilities and our potential, if we don't also raise our hand and go after the things that we want and believe that we have those capabilities, we're going to lose those opportunities on the table. So Imposter Syndrome, the first thing is to recognize that you are enough, and this is a mantra that's worth…
