From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
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Dealing with tough personalities in meetings
From the course: Become a Courageous Female Leader
Dealing with tough personalities in meetings
- [Instructor] This lesson is about dealing with tough personalities because oftentimes women tell me in my workshops or after my talks that there is just someone they feel like has something against them, constantly cutting them off or they just feel like is a difficult personality for them to navigate. So here's four steps. The first is, when you want to speak, state the person's name, say Frank, I'd like to say something. If you're in a larger room you've got to hold up your hand or make a gesture indicating that you would like to speak. Two, if someone does cut you off say firmly, I'm speaking and I'd like to finish my thought. Now this one ties really closely into step number three which is maintain a neutral facial expression. It's very hard to say these things without having some bit of an attitude right? You're frustrated, you're annoyed but, I want you to practice these phrases, make them your own and say…
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