From the course: B2B Go-to-Market Strategy: How to Transform Your Business

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Identifying your ideal customer profile (ICP)

Identifying your ideal customer profile (ICP)

- [Narrator] Would you rather fire a bunch of arrows in a general direction and hope a few will hit a target, or take careful aim at a bullseye and hit it every time? If you're trying to sell to a customer, I would wager you would want to hit the bullseye every time. Well, knowing your ICP will help you hit the bullseye every time. Why? Knowing your ideal customer helps you clearly communicate to your marketing sales and customer success teams who they need to be targeting. It helps your marketing team write more relevant content. It helps you build a product that is focused on the pain points of your ideal customer, and it helps your customer targeting be relevant and repeatable. So how do you identify your ICP? Glad you asked. You start by gathering relevant data. Get your customer success team to book a one to one call with friendly customers for 20 minutes and ask them why they bought your product, how it's relevant to…
