From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

Unlock the power of 3D mapping in AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

Unlock the power of 3D mapping in AutoCAD

- [Gordon] Moving from an simple AutoCAD drawing, to an intelligent GIS, is easier than you think. Geographic Information Systems, or, GIS's are not just big systems that can live inside of AutoCAD. Now that AutoCAD 2019 is on subscription, the AutoCAD Map 3D tool set is a free component. So if you own AutoCAD, you have a GIS. In my LinkedIn learning course, I dive into the tool sets that will bring the power of GIS to life, and we can make AutoCAD move beyond the plain old DWG. So join me, Gordon Luckett in my course, AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training.
