From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training
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Stylizing vector layers - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training
Stylizing vector layers
- [Instructor] When adding any vector, points, lines, and polygons, based GIS data, you can change how it looks with color, fill, symbols, fonts. Vector-based GIS data coming from databases and files are styled the same way regardless of where it's coming from. Let's add two SDF files to our map. Simply pick on the points of interest SDF and streets and drag and drop it into your AutoCAD. Now, it automatically attaches and renders in a default style. For example, on my screen, I've got a blue point of interest and a green street. Your screen may have different colors depending on what random color AutoCAD Map chooses when you drag and drop a file into the CAD drawing. If you click on Data, Connect to Data, you will see that the points of interest was already connected and added to map, and the streets was automatically connected and added to map, so the great thing about vector-based data is that you can just drag and drop it in. You don't need to create a new connection manually. Now…
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