From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

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Splitting GIS data

Splitting GIS data

- [Narrator] Splitting the GIS vector data can mean losing the attribute data. With AutoCAD map 3D tool set the split tool automatically copies the attribute data to both features after the split. You will split a large parcel in half keeping the data for both sides of the parcel in this video. Let's try that now. Let's drag and drop the parcel split sdf into our map. There's only a single parcel. If we look at the data, click on table, you'll see it's only one trent lane. It's a single parcel that we're working on. While we're looking at the data let's pick on options. There's an option in there set split and merge rules. Each of the fields in the parcels has a rule associated with it. Now the feature ID, because it's a primary key, there's no rule applied. But the ID isn't a primary key or anything like that. So you can assign a split rule in this case it will copy it. You could create a calculation, divide it, empty it, or make it a proportional of either side. So for example, if…
