From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

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Reprojecting GIS data

Reprojecting GIS data

- [Instructor] GIS data is usually already flagged with a coordinate system. If your DWG has a coordinate system assigned, your vector based GIS data will dynamically reproject. Unlike DWG data, when you change the coordinate system, all the GIS vector data will automatically reproject within your DWG. Let's try that out. Let's drag and drop the Curbs, Hydrology, and STREETS into our drawing. You can see in our drawing it's already set to WGS84_PseudoMercator. Again, that's the Google or Bing mapping system that you'll see online. Let's change our coordinate system of the current drawing. We'll go to Map Setup, Assign, and we'll change this to Lat Long 84. Let's assign that. And you'll see all the data is reprojecting. The reason that's working so well is because the source drawing knows what coordinate system it's in. Let's right-click on Hydrology, Edit Connection, and pick on the Hydrology connection. You can see that Hydrology is in LL84. Click on Curbs. That's in WGS84. And the…
