From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

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Link a database to AutoCAD objects

Link a database to AutoCAD objects - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

Link a database to AutoCAD objects

- [Instructor] Binding records from an external database to each of your objects in AutoCAD is an effective way to keep your data up to date, creating that bridge between the database in AutoCAD and then maintaining those links is a really important practice. Let's do that, now. First, I have my parcels. Now, I'm going to have to drag and drop an Access database into my map explorer. Once I do, the database is connected and you'll see a table called zoning. If I double click on zoning, you'll see three columns, ID, parcel ID, and zoning. The interesting thing is that you'll see there's a link template grayed out at the top. We'll get to that in a moment, close that. A link template tells AutoCAD which column in the database is used to tie to the object on the screen. In this case, we're going to use parcel ID. So, let's right click on link templates, define a link template, I'm going to name it zoning, just like the name of the table. You'll see the data source is zoning table, the…
