From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

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Draw new features from scratch

Draw new features from scratch - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

Draw new features from scratch

- [Instructor] Adding GIS vector data to your map allows you to edit and create new features, and adding new features from scratch or drawing directly on the screen is available for all GIS vector layers regardless of type, point, line, or polygon. Let's draw a new feature for the points of interest. Drag and drop the point of interest SDF into your current map. Let's go to view, and we'll go to top Guelph. Right-click over the points of interest. You'll see a menu called Create. We have two options, a new point, point of interest, or a new MultiPoint point of interest. The point is a single point. A MultiPoint is where you have many points but it's only considered one record in the database. We are only going to draw a single point at this point, so let's pick right in the corner, and the name of this point of interest will be the Guelph Lake Dam, there we are. And now we've got the Guelph Lake Dam drawn. I'll just close that dialog box, and remember, it's still not saved until you…
