From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training

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Connecting to ODBC points

Connecting to ODBC points

- [Instructor] Microsoft ODBC, or Open Database Connectivity is a connection to most databases found on Windows operating systems. Connecting to a database with ODBC enables AutoCAD Map 3D to use that database to pull the X and Y columns to generate points on a map. Before we do that, we need to create a link inside of Windows to an Access database that contains our X and Y columns that we're going to use to plot points. So, let's search for ODBC 64 bit, there it is, ODBC Data Sources 64 bit. We're going to click on system DSN. We'll click add. Make sure you choose Microsoft Access Driver mdb, accdb. If this is not installed, you may not have Microsoft Access installed, or the Microsoft Access runtime. The Microsoft Access runtime is a free download from the Microsoft site, and it will enable this to show up inside your ODBC. So, make sure you have that, so we'll choose mdb, accdb, click finish. For the data source name, we're just going to call it points, and we're going to pick the…
