From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training
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Adding drawing data in Display Manager - AutoCAD Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD Map 3D Essential Training
Adding drawing data in Display Manager
- [Instructor] As an alternative to using the attached drawing queries, you can use the display manager to query drawing information bot attached, and currently in the current drawing. This drawing data technique in the display manager, has the advantage that the information queried can be toggled on and off within the display manager itself. Let's attach two drawings to our current session. Buildings and streets, simply drag and drop them into your map explorer. I've previously set up an alias called exercise files. For the buildings drawing, I'm going to choose that. I click OK, and again, I'm going to pick the exercise files for the streets drawing. I could choose C as well. The exercise file's alias gives me a shorter path to where the drawing is, and easier to read within my map explorer. Now you can see that both buildings and streets are listed under drawings in my map explorer. Now we can go over to display manager, and do a different type of query. In this case, in display…
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