From the course: Android Studio Essential Training
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Import sample apps
From the course: Android Studio Essential Training
Import sample apps
- [Instructor] Google provides many sample applications that can help you learn how to use various components in your Android apps. To import these projects, go to the welcome screen. And if you're looking at the welcome screen after you've created at least one project, you'll see an options icon up at the top, labeled more actions. From there, choose import an Android code sample. In the import sample screen, you can search for whatever feature you're wanting to learn. For example, let's say I wanted to learn about Work Manager. This is a component in the Jetpack library collection that makes it easy to run background tasks. I'll choose that sample. I'll click next. I'll indicate where I want to put the project. And then I can click finish. You can also click on this link to see where the project is stored on the GitHub platform. If you have GitHub installed and you're ready to use it within Android Studio, you could…
Know your system requirements2m 9s
Install Android Studio3m 27s
Set up the Android SDK2m 25s
Manage Android Studio updates3m 46s
Update the Android SDK and tools2m 26s
Create an Android Studio project5m 14s
Explore a project's file structure7m 24s
Import sample apps2m 59s