From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Create vector image assets

Create vector image assets

- [Instructor] I previously showed how to generate a launcher icon, a graphic that the user sees on their launcher screen and in the Google Play Store. You can also use Android Studio to generate other kinds of graphics. Many Android apps use vector graphics as icons that appear at the toolbar at the top of the screen. It's best to use vector graphics for this rather than bitmaps, because they resize automatically and you don't have to have different versions for different pixel densities. To create these, select your app module, and then you can either right-click and choose New or go to the menu and choose File, New. From there, choose Vector Asset. You can either use clip art that's built into Android Studio or you can use your own files in SVG or PSD format. I'm going to use clip art. Let's say that I want my application to be able to delete something. That operation is traditionally represented by a trash can icon.…
