From the course: Amazon Web Services: Data Services

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Scenario: Work with caching and real-time data

Scenario: Work with caching and real-time data - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Amazon Web Services: Data Services

Scenario: Work with caching and real-time data

- [Instructor] The next architectural scenario is around caching and this is partitioning of data in an application in order to put a subset of data into a very fast, usually in-memory cache and this is often used in situations where you're going to have some kind of lookup either in your mobile app or website or whatever application you are using. So here on the Amazon side, we have the Amazon cloud, we have the subnet, we have our data, and we're building in our scenario. So you can see we've got our database instance running on EC2, we've got two of 'em there. We have managed MySQL on RDS, two behavioral instances. We have an S3 bucket storing some file data. We've now added several other services because we are partitioning our data coming into our application, we're using ElastiCache with Memcache to give us a big in-memory lookup and an example of this would be to have customer information so an ID and a customer…
