From the course: AI in Business Essential Training
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Basics of data analytics - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: AI in Business Essential Training
Basics of data analytics
- [Instructor] Step one in any business problem where we hope to apply AI is just having the right data and having that data cleaned up and organized. If your data's not in good shape, AI tools are likely to be worse than useless. As a matter of fact, you're likely to end up with inaccurate conclusions. I'm in the 02_01_Begin Excel file. Now what I've done is gone through and pulled data on loan applications for a series of customers. So we pulled 500 loan applications that were granted, and we've got results from what happened in those particular loans, and we've got a variety of data. The amount of money that was requested in the loan, the interest rate, the term for the loan, when it was issued, credit grade from high to low, things of that nature. The purpose of the loan, et cetera. Now a couple of key points to begin with. First of all, when we're thinking about AI it's important to understand that while you or I understand the difference between debt consolidation or credit…
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