From the course: Advanced Snowflake: Deep Dive Cloud Data Warehousing and Analytics
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Clustering vs. search optimization - Snowflake Tutorial
From the course: Advanced Snowflake: Deep Dive Cloud Data Warehousing and Analytics
Clustering vs. search optimization
- [Tutor] Both search optimization and clustering improve the performance of queries that filter on certain predicates. Search optimization improves the performance of selective point lookup queries on all columns of the table, whereas clustering only applies to certain columns and it improves the performance of both point lookup queries, as well as range queries. In this demo, I'm going to run similar queries on a search optimized table and a clustered table, and we can compare the performance head on. Now, the table that we'll work with is a one from the "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA" database. This is the "Orders" table in the TPCH_SF100 schema. And it's a rather large table. This table holds around 4.3 gigabytes of compressed data. Let's take a look at what this table looks like. You can see that there are a number of different columns. O_CUSTKEY uniquely identifies customers for the different orders. I'll now create a new…
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Caching, clustering, and search optimization5m 6s
Loading data using COPY INTO4m 13s
Retrieval optimization using cached results3m 54s
Enabling clustering on tables4m 33s
Querying clustered tables3m 59s
Querying clustering information2m 45s
Running point lookup queries on search-optimized tables5m 27s
Clustering vs. search optimization5m 55s