From the course: Advanced Conflict Resolution Techniques for Executives

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Integrate conflict resolution into leadership practice

Integrate conflict resolution into leadership practice

From the course: Advanced Conflict Resolution Techniques for Executives

Integrate conflict resolution into leadership practice

Congratulations on completing this course. You've taken a significant step towards mastering high stakes conflicts with precision and confidence. You should be able to immediately incorporate these strategies into your leadership. By doing this, you'll close the gap between issues and outcomes and create cohesive and productive environments in your organization. A few of my favorite resources for learning about conflict resolution include the book titled, Conflict Resolution by Daniel Dana, which is an excellent handbook for managers to understand the landscape. The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook by Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gammon, which is a quick resource for team leaders. Conflict Management for Managers by Susan S Raines, which I end up reviewing every time I need to identify or create policy. Getting to Yes, by Robert Fisher and William Ury. My go to for all things negotiation. And finally, Beyond Reason: Using Emotions As You Negotiate by Robert Fisher and Daniel…
