Technical Skills:
• Microsoft Applications
• Zoom / MS Teams
Most people drift through life without a clear purpose. They wake up, go to work, and repeat, feeling like something is missing. If you’ve ever…
Most people drift through life without a clear purpose. They wake up, go to work, and repeat, feeling like something is missing. If you’ve ever…
Liked by Zach Kim
Proud to be a part of this powerhouse team!💪
Proud to be a part of this powerhouse team!💪
Liked by Zach Kim
Giving Mosaic and RhythmConnect their public debut HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition .
Giving Mosaic and RhythmConnect their public debut HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition .
Liked by Zach Kim
Augsburg University
Activities and Societies: •Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA) •Pan-Asian Mentor Program •TRiO/SSS
•Study Abroad: El Salvador
•I utilize Trailhead to become more knowledgable and well-rounded within Salesforce.
Volunteer Experience
Covenant Life Church
- 5 years 2 months
Covenant Life Church began in the Fall of 2010 near the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Purposely located in the heart of the Twin Cities and the University of Minnesota campus, we are made up of a balance of college and young married/single adults . Our desire is to serve college students, young adults, families and anyone else interested in living in light of the Gospel.
•Website: www.facebook.com/covlife
•Facebook: www.facebook.com/covlife
Food Services Volunteer
Loaves and Fishes MN
- 1 year 1 month
Poverty Alleviation
For over 32 years Loaves and Fishes has worked to end hunger in Minnesota by providing free meals for those facing hunger
•Website: loavesandfishesmn.org/index.html
The volunteer work I do consist of evening shifts which Loaves and Fishes of Minnesota has made it a great opportunity to conveniently volunteer after work.
•Serve food to people in need at various churches around the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area
•Meet, greet and create lasting relationships with people…For over 32 years Loaves and Fishes has worked to end hunger in Minnesota by providing free meals for those facing hunger
•Website: loavesandfishesmn.org/index.html
The volunteer work I do consist of evening shifts which Loaves and Fishes of Minnesota has made it a great opportunity to conveniently volunteer after work.
•Serve food to people in need at various churches around the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area
•Meet, greet and create lasting relationships with people to show our support for them
•Clean up after -
Volunteer (Augsburg University)
Camp Restore
- Present 14 years 1 month
We are a volunteer camp mission site in New Orleans, LA with a mission to restore faith, home, and community in the Name of Jesus Christ. We house, feed and equip volunteer groups of all ages who physically rebuild family dwellings, churches, and schools, work on a wide range of community projects with partner nonprofits, and provide emotional and spiritual care to those in need.
Website: camprestore.org
•Post Hurricane Katrina Relief (Spring Break)
•New Orleans, Louisiana -
Sharing and Caring Hands
- less than a year
Poverty Alleviation
Sharing and Caring Hands is a compassionate response to the needs of the poor. We are set up to be a safety net organization to help with whatever needs are not being met. This includes but is not limited to providing meals, clothing, showers, shelter, transportation help, rent deposits, rent help, medical assistance, dental care, furniture, school expenses, and other miscellaneous needs. Sharing and Caring Hands provides these with dignity, while affirming God’s love for all his people…
Sharing and Caring Hands is a compassionate response to the needs of the poor. We are set up to be a safety net organization to help with whatever needs are not being met. This includes but is not limited to providing meals, clothing, showers, shelter, transportation help, rent deposits, rent help, medical assistance, dental care, furniture, school expenses, and other miscellaneous needs. Sharing and Caring Hands provides these with dignity, while affirming God’s love for all his people regardless of their circumstances. We reaffirm the self-worth of each individual and want to assist in that person reaching his or her greatest potential. Sharing and Caring Hands is an extension of the community to the desperate needs of the poor and exists as a vehicle for volunteers to commit their time and resources towards making a difference in the lives of others. Sharing and Caring Hands stands as an emotional anchor and a beacon of hope to those who are alone, afraid, or in need.
Website: sharingandcaringhands.org
•Served food to underprivileged at a homeless shelter
•Minneapolis, Minnesota -
Basketball Camp Volunteer
Community of Peace Academy
- 3 months
The mission of Community of Peace Academy is to be a racially and culturally diverse community of students, parents, and staff, dedicated to creating a peaceful environment in which each person is treated with unconditional positive regard and acceptance. To create such an environment, a non-violent perspective will be intentionally taught and all members of the community will strive to practice a non-violent lifestyle. Within such an environment, each student will be empowered and inspired to…
The mission of Community of Peace Academy is to be a racially and culturally diverse community of students, parents, and staff, dedicated to creating a peaceful environment in which each person is treated with unconditional positive regard and acceptance. To create such an environment, a non-violent perspective will be intentionally taught and all members of the community will strive to practice a non-violent lifestyle. Within such an environment, each student will be empowered and inspired to reach his or her full academic, emotional, physical, and spiritual potential. Thus empowered and prepared, Community of Peace graduates will commit themselves to meet the challenges posed by life in the multicultural world of the 21st century with confidence, compassion, intelligence, and a positive regard for all.
•Website: www.communityofpeaceacademy.com
Safe Spring Break: Camp Restore
A week long experience in New Orleans in attempts to restore the community back to its condition prior to Hurricane Katrina. We were assigned several community projects during our stay with nonprofit organizations through Camp Restore as well as provide emotional and spiritual support to those needed.
Other creatorsSee project
More activity by Zach
Fear is often misunderstood in today's world. I keep hearing people say: ↳ "Fear means you're doing it wrong" ↳ "If you're scared, stop…
Fear is often misunderstood in today's world. I keep hearing people say: ↳ "Fear means you're doing it wrong" ↳ "If you're scared, stop…
Liked by Zach Kim
I met someone who had it all, but felt empty inside. Sarah had the dream checklist - thriving career, solid reputation, financial stability. But…
I met someone who had it all, but felt empty inside. Sarah had the dream checklist - thriving career, solid reputation, financial stability. But…
Liked by Zach Kim
I had a great time working with folks across NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration to better understand how lunar regolith will behave…
I had a great time working with folks across NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration to better understand how lunar regolith will behave…
Liked by Zach Kim
76% of employees experience burnout at work. (According to Gallup’s 2020 burnout report) But here’s what most people overlook: The 5 daily prayers…
76% of employees experience burnout at work. (According to Gallup’s 2020 burnout report) But here’s what most people overlook: The 5 daily prayers…
Liked by Zach Kim
Everyone thinks success means being busy 24/7. But here's the reality... It's actually about slowing down. For years, I lived the "hustle culture"…
Everyone thinks success means being busy 24/7. But here's the reality... It's actually about slowing down. For years, I lived the "hustle culture"…
Liked by Zach Kim
I recently worked with a pro athlete who seemed to have everything... But something wasn't right. Behind the trophies and achievements, he shared:…
I recently worked with a pro athlete who seemed to have everything... But something wasn't right. Behind the trophies and achievements, he shared:…
Liked by Zach Kim
I used to think being productive meant squeezing every possible task into my day. And honestly, it worked... until it didn't. I was: 😫 Constantly…
I used to think being productive meant squeezing every possible task into my day. And honestly, it worked... until it didn't. I was: 😫 Constantly…
Liked by Zach Kim
For 10 years, I worked as an engineer. But deep down, I knew it wasn’t my true purpose. It was everything you’d expect: Safe. Stable. Predictable.…
For 10 years, I worked as an engineer. But deep down, I knew it wasn’t my true purpose. It was everything you’d expect: Safe. Stable. Predictable.…
Liked by Zach Kim
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Information Science @ UIUC
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