What do Aravind Srinivas (CEO of Perplexity.ai), Yann Lecun (Chief AI scientist, Meta), Steve Case (founder of AOL), Dinesh Maheshwari (CTO Groq), and Ramin Hasani (CEO Liquid AI) have in common?
They all participated in the Imagination in Action summit at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) yesterday. and this is just a short list of the amazing speakers and participants at this amazing event.
Here are a few key takeaways:
1. Human relationships, human collaboration, and human innovation are going to be even more important in the age of AI. It was important for me to start with that, as many people believe AI is taking over the world and that is not the case. which leads me to:
2. The smartest people in the AI world today are concerned about the potential negative impacts of AI, and are investing significant resources to reduce those risks. That being said - they are running forward at an astonishing speed, so I am not sure what they are doing is enough.
3. Several breakthroughs are required in order to allow us to get to AGI, and to make this technology scalable to every process and every device. the current compute requirements are just to high. companies like Groq with their LPU innovative chip design that runs 10-1000 times more efficient than NVIDIA JPUs, and companies like Liquid AI with their innovative AI architecture, are spearheading some of these efforts.
4. There is a huge number of REALLY SMART people who are working on using AI to solve some of the biggest problems of the human race and our planet, such as curing cancer, fighting viruses, supporting the elderly, and much more. It was truly inspiring to see.
5. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. over 100 startup founders participated in the event. 80 of them came to give a 90 seconds pitch (yes, 90 seconds).
6. Future models will have significantly less hallucinations, they would be able to understand our world (which they do not today), and hence, will be able to reason and plan.
7. While the number one concern about AI at the enterprise level is Data Security, there are more and more solutions that allow you to benefit from AI benefits while maintaining 100% control over your data.
8. The open source world of AI, is a critical component to the successful future of wide AI implementation
9. The future of code writing and interacting with computers is going to change dramatically. Natural language, voice, and vision, will allow us to program and use computers in a much more intuitive way. Computers will adapt to humans and not humans to computers
10. The conversations outside of the 4 presentation halls were as fascinating as the speakers and I met some amazing people, and I am grateful for meeting every one of them 🙏
BTW - I am still in Boston today (Friday the 19th), so if anyone wants to meet and talk, show me cool things in Boston or MIT, or geek about AI, or just chat, drop me a DM)
Thank you John Werner for putting this amazing event together!