Articles by Vince
How can machine learning algorithms predict and prevent machine failures?
In my experience, the biggest challenge is in the training data. The algorithms are only as good as the data used to train them. Training data should cover all the expected operational scenarios. We have seen examples of machine learning algorithms making poor decisions because the test data was not within the scope of the training data. That is why it is so important to use broad training data that covers the full range of operation and to use altogether different test data. In practice, if a scenario arises that the algorithm was not trained on, and it is outside the input range of training data, the output will be unpredictable. Comprehensive training data will yield comprehensive performance.
How can machine learning algorithms predict and prevent machine failures?
Machine learning enables the paradigm shift from preventative maintenance to predictive maintenance. Preventative maintenance is costly and disruptive. It takes the product out of the mission. Predictive maintenance keeps the product in the mission until it must be removed for maintenance based on learned evidence presenting an imminent threat of failure. Furthermore, sensor-based data may be able to predict an anomalous failure before it happens because it shows evidence of trends related to an imminent failure. For example, vibration sensors may be used to detect an upcoming structural failure because the early cracks in the structure create off-nominal vibration signals.
How can machine learning algorithms predict and prevent machine failures?
With enough empirical data, machine learning can give confidence that a product remains acceptable and mission-worthy, and does not require maintenance. This enables product supporters to avoid scheduled maintenance and only do maintenance when needed. For instance, if you can sense motor oil characteristics, you can align them (via regression or other relationships) to other similar products to estimate how close it is to failure. If the oil is as dirty as another motor was 6 weeks before that motor failed, you can predict that the new motor needs to get an oil change within the next 6 weeks, with some confidence margin.
Another productive summit in the IEEE Educational Activities mini series, setting policies and developing programs and services to serve the IEEE…
Another productive summit in the IEEE Educational Activities mini series, setting policies and developing programs and services to serve the IEEE…
Liked by Vince Socci
We had a full day of productive meetings, and our committees are more aligned and driven than ever. It's truly inspiring to see the passion and…
We had a full day of productive meetings, and our committees are more aligned and driven than ever. It's truly inspiring to see the passion and…
Liked by Vince Socci
Licenses & Certifications
FCC Amateur Extra Class License
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Volunteer Experience
Canaveral Section leader
- Present 2 years 4 months
Canaveral section. I've served as Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, PACE Chair, Programs Chair.
AESS Board of Governors, UAV Technical Chair
- Present 10 years 3 months
Science and Technology
Elected to Board of Governors member for IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society; Chair of UAV Technical Panel; IEEE Standards Association Liaison; Global UAS Industry Development and Standardization.
Binghamton Section Leader
- 23 years 1 month
Science and Technology
Binghamton section. I've served as Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, PACE Chair, Programs Chair, and Chair for the Robotics and Automation, Vehicular Technology, Computer, Communications, and AES Chapters.
Board of Directors, IEEE Region 1 Director
- 2 years 2 months
Science and Technology
IEEE Region 1 Director
Elected to IEEE Board of Directors. Served two years as Director-Elect, gaining board leadership and management experience. Serving on the Board of Directors of IEEE and IEEE-USA from 2014-2015 while I lead IEEE Region 1 Board of Governors and its constituency.
Section leader, conference leader, regional speaker
SAE International
- Present 10 years 11 months
Science and Technology
Led programs, events, and technical tracks. Conference leader. Program development.
Chapter leader, programs chair
Project Management Institute
- Present 14 years 8 months
Developed and delivered educational programs to PMI chapters including certification training.
Pastor, New Life Ministries
Free Methodist Church – USA
- 13 years 1 month
Currently serving as Pastor of New Life Online - leading remote livestream and host team service. Also serving as Host Team Leader at Life.Church.
Served as a pastor at New Life Ministries in Endicott and Owego, NY.
Ordained minister of the Free Methodist Church, serving at New Life Ministries, concentrating in preaching, offertory, and counsel. Guest Services Team Leader. Group Life Leader.
Licensed pastor, chaplain and pastoral counselor. Pastor/Leader for New Life Ministries -…Currently serving as Pastor of New Life Online - leading remote livestream and host team service. Also serving as Host Team Leader at Life.Church.
Served as a pastor at New Life Ministries in Endicott and Owego, NY.
Ordained minister of the Free Methodist Church, serving at New Life Ministries, concentrating in preaching, offertory, and counsel. Guest Services Team Leader. Group Life Leader.
Licensed pastor, chaplain and pastoral counselor. Pastor/Leader for New Life Ministries - supporting roles in preaching, offeratory, guest services, worship team, teaching, small groups, etc. -
IEEE Region 1 Director-Elect/Delegate-Elect 2012-2013
- 2 years 2 months
Science and Technology
Ready to serve!
Various Region 1 roles; Supporting the Binghamton Section (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Programs Chair, PACE Chair, AES Chapter Chair, Computer Chapter Chair, Communications Chapter Chair), Region 1 (Pre-college Education Chair), IEEE-USA (Committee on Transportation and Aerospace Policy, Committee on Energy, PEC)
Project Management Volunteer Leader
Project Management Institute
- Present 24 years 8 months
Leader of programs, communities, and committees in Project Management Institute goals, initiatives, and administration.
Certified Project Management Professional - developed and delivered certification training courses.
Boy Scouts of America
- 8 years
Served as a scout leader at all levels through Cub Scouts Pack 208 and Boy Scouts Troop 208. Volunteer leadership throughout the Baden-Powell Council. Wood Badge recipient. Search Results
National Youth Leadership Training - Boy Scouts of America -
Youth Sports Coach
Youth Sports
- 27 years 11 months
Youth sports coach in a variety of sports, including basketball, football, softball, baseball, soccer.
Radio Technician and Instructor
ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio
- Present 29 years 6 months
Science and Technology
Training community on radio procedures and technology. Supporting local amateur radio clubs and networks. Amateur radio club founder.
Actuator Control Design for Safety-Critical Medical Applications
IEEE Health-Tech Symposium
Designers of safety-critical medical actuator control applications face rigorous requirements and standards to assess safety requirements, develop system architectures, and design component hardware and software. This paper demonstrates integrated techniques of safety-critical development with examples from various actuator applications. Strategies for safety analysis, engineering design and application of lifecycle guidelines are discussed. Methods of developing actuator controls with robust…
Designers of safety-critical medical actuator control applications face rigorous requirements and standards to assess safety requirements, develop system architectures, and design component hardware and software. This paper demonstrates integrated techniques of safety-critical development with examples from various actuator applications. Strategies for safety analysis, engineering design and application of lifecycle guidelines are discussed. Methods of developing actuator controls with robust fault tolerance and testability are highlighted. The secrets of effective safety-critical development are revealed.
System Design Considerations for Vehicle-based Mobile Electric Power Applications
Power Electronics Technology Conference 2005
Many of today’s mission systems require mobility and transportability. Therefore, they cannot be tethered to utility power or stationary generators. The industry response has been to use vehicle-based mobile electric power systems. The applications are growing in number, and have common problems that must be solved by the power systems engineers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss design considerations for vehicle-based mobile electric power systems. We will discuss a case study of a…
Many of today’s mission systems require mobility and transportability. Therefore, they cannot be tethered to utility power or stationary generators. The industry response has been to use vehicle-based mobile electric power systems. The applications are growing in number, and have common problems that must be solved by the power systems engineers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss design considerations for vehicle-based mobile electric power systems. We will discuss a case study of a vehicle-based mission power system application, the specific needs associated with the application, and technologies being developed to address them. General strategies for vehicle power system architecture, conversion and distribution, control and management, and built-in-test will be outlined. A sample power system simulation model will be demonstrated. Design practices for power system grounding and protection will be summarized. The author will share his experiences and lessons learned developing military and commercial power systems for vehicle-based missions.
Actuator Control Design for Safety-Critical Applications
On Target Technology
Designers of safety-critical actuator control applications face rigorous requirements and standards to assess safety requirements, develop system architectures, and design component hardware and software. This paper demonstrates integrated techniques of safety-critical development with examples from various actuator applications. Strategies for safety analysis, engineering design and application of lifecycle guidelines are discussed. Methods of developing actuator
controls with robust fault…Designers of safety-critical actuator control applications face rigorous requirements and standards to assess safety requirements, develop system architectures, and design component hardware and software. This paper demonstrates integrated techniques of safety-critical development with examples from various actuator applications. Strategies for safety analysis, engineering design and application of lifecycle guidelines are discussed. Methods of developing actuator
controls with robust fault tolerance and testability are highlighted. The secrets of effective safety-critical development are revealed. -
Adaptive Product Management: Adjust, Adapt, Overcome in Today’s Customer-Centric Environment
IEEE Engineer's Week
New product development engineers promote agile development and adaptive prototyping as methods to manage unpredictable engineering development. However, project managers reject the business challenges, risks and uncertainties of the adaptive development environment.
Adaptive Product Management (APM) bridges the gap between unpredictable, adaptive technology development and predictive, practical product management techniques. The fundamental APM tasks (coordinate quick-draw innovation…New product development engineers promote agile development and adaptive prototyping as methods to manage unpredictable engineering development. However, project managers reject the business challenges, risks and uncertainties of the adaptive development environment.
Adaptive Product Management (APM) bridges the gap between unpredictable, adaptive technology development and predictive, practical product management techniques. The fundamental APM tasks (coordinate quick-draw innovation, collaborate to innovate, enable flexible growth options, and encourage an APM culture) bring value to both product development and project management.
The technical merits and management challenges of using adaptive development in today's customer-centric business environment are discussed. APM forces a product development paradigm shift from execution of known constraints to learning of unknown product potential.
A "pull" development strategy creates a lean, value-add product development cycle. APM uses time-phased product demands to map development. APM implementation strategies, best practices and performance control warnings are outlined. Readers learn how to effectively deploy APM in their organizations and new technology development applications.
Exhaust gas recirculation control system
Issued US 5533489
A control system for controlling exhaust gas recirculation in an internal combustion engine. The output of a throttle position sensor is used as an input to two parallel filters. The first filter is a lag-lead compensated filter which functions as a differentiator, producing an output proportional to the instantaneous rate of change of the throttle position.. The second filter is a fixed-rate tracking filter which generates a tracking signal that tracks the input signal. The tracking signal…
A control system for controlling exhaust gas recirculation in an internal combustion engine. The output of a throttle position sensor is used as an input to two parallel filters. The first filter is a lag-lead compensated filter which functions as a differentiator, producing an output proportional to the instantaneous rate of change of the throttle position.. The second filter is a fixed-rate tracking filter which generates a tracking signal that tracks the input signal. The tracking signal, however, cannot vary by more than a maximum predetermined rate. The output of the second filter is the difference between the input signal and the tracking signal. The outputs of the two filters are summed and applied to a hysteretic comparator, which turns the EGR valve off when the sum exceeds an upper threshold and turns the EGR valve back on when the sum has decayed below a lower threshold.
Aerial Robotics
Pastor Vince Socci preaching sample
- Present
A350 Fuel Management System
Led international team of hardware, software, systems engineers, production support, executive leadership to develop and deliver the fuel quantity management system for the Airbus A350 XWB aircraft
Other creatorsSee project -
UAV Flight Control System
Developed flight control system electronics for unmanned aerial vehicle. The application used six surface interdependent actuator control with quad-redundant electronics and control software. DSP and FPGA processing platforms controlled IGBT-based motor drives.
C-17 Engineering Program Manager
Led engineering team to develop C-17 avionics, flight controls, mission computers, diagnostic systems, video systems, and other LRUs.
Other creatorsSee project
Honors & Awards
IEEE William Terry Award
For significant and sustained service and innovative contributions to IEEE that resulted in enhanced membership experiences and opportunities for its members at the Chapter, Section, and Region levels
IEEE Region 1 Award
Region award for revitalizing a section into a sustainable organization.
Wood Badge
Boy Scouts of America
Recognized for highest leadership certification through hands-on, multi-year, service-related leadership training.
Boeing Golden Eagle Award
Boeing Corporation
Recognized for program turnaround - Took over a failing program (>1yr late, >$6M overspent), developed a recovery plan, executed with a sense of urgency, recovered schedule and budget, transitioned program from near cancellation to stellar success.
Boeing Silver Eagle Award
Recognized for engineering leadership in program turnaround and improvement to top performance and delivery ratings.
Native or bilingual proficiency
Limited working proficiency
Elementary proficiency
Elementary proficiency
Recommendations received
16 people have recommended Vince
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...and that's a wrap for Day 1! Thank you to our committee members for all their hard work today!
...and that's a wrap for Day 1! Thank you to our committee members for all their hard work today!
Liked by Vince Socci
We are proud to announce the new release of our Microprocessor middleware Solution based on Hashtag#AUTOSAR Adaptive "RTA-VRTE v3.8.0". Many thanks…
We are proud to announce the new release of our Microprocessor middleware Solution based on Hashtag#AUTOSAR Adaptive "RTA-VRTE v3.8.0". Many thanks…
Liked by Vince Socci
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Officers Meeting at the Aerospace Conference in Big Sky, Montana. Great friends and associates!
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Officers Meeting at the Aerospace Conference in Big Sky, Montana. Great friends and associates!
Liked by Vince Socci
Keeping up with evolving automotive cybersecurity regulations is no easy task. If you missed our recent ETAS webinar, now’s your chance to catch up!…
Keeping up with evolving automotive cybersecurity regulations is no easy task. If you missed our recent ETAS webinar, now’s your chance to catch up!…
Liked by Vince Socci
✈️ Big news for those of you seeking aerospace and eVTOL engineering expertise! Drive System Design will be exhibiting at VERTICON (formerly HAI…
✈️ Big news for those of you seeking aerospace and eVTOL engineering expertise! Drive System Design will be exhibiting at VERTICON (formerly HAI…
Liked by Vince Socci
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