So, most of the #advertising world is vomiting all over this ad.
Honestly, I saw it and went... huh?
I don't react to ads the way you do, or even the way most ad execs do, probably because I'm legitimately on both sides of the bakery. I do both strategy and accounts (and am reasonably good at both.) So I look at this from the "ok, why did the client buy this ad" question and "why did the marketing team think this was a good idea" question.
So I look at this ad, and I go, "Ok, let's assume for the moment that Santino Pietrosanti isn't the dumbest guy God ever let through the door. And I know that Accenture Interactive isn't stupid - yeah, they're beancounters, but they have gobbled up some of the best shops in the world, like Droga5. What's the angle here?"
Honestly, I can't freaking find it. LOL!
Everyone wants to blame the agency, but I'll tell you, the client makes the call, even if the agency did recommend a bad idea. But again, I'm like, "Ok, Peitrosanti isn't stupid, so what's the idea here?"
And again, I can't find it. But the fact I can't find it, doesn't mean it's stupid.
As an aside - I don't mind the lockup. That's kinda neato. Everyone else seems to hate it, but I'm like "hmmmm."
All I can imagine is this: they may have research that shows James Bond wannabes aren't the ones buying Jaguars anymore.
I mean, everyone went "ga ga bananas" when Nike embraced Kaepernick, saying it would be the death knell for their brand. They made money faster than a stripper in front of Pac-Man Jones. Why? Because Nike had the research that showed taking a position of civil rights was something that would resonate... and boy did it ever... the campaign's results was a 10 percent jump in income to $847 million that year.
It may very well be that the days of "James Bond" and "Shaken not Stirred" and this fantasy of driving around with a half-naked model in your XKE are gone for Jaguar... and instead, the new idea is wokeness, ambiguous sexuality and sexual identity, surrealism, and embracing emotions of iconoclastic creativity.
If that's true, then this ad is downright genius.
If not... they're boned and everyone is getting fired.
I do not know what is true right now because I haven't seen the research or the creative brief. But one of those statements must be true; I won't believe everyone is an idiot, which is essentially what the entire ad and automotive community seems to think.
There's way too much money on the line for that, and these people are too talented for that. There must have been some legitimate reason for this ad. I'm guessing the research shows that heterosexual males looking to get laid aren't the number one buyers of Jaguar anymore... that's just a hunch, but making this ad and putting a $100 million behind it... probably makes it a pretty good one.