Douglas Moore

Douglas Moore

Greater Boston
3K followers 500+ connections


I'm passionate about helping customers find value in data and helping the people I work…



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  • Databricks Graphic


    Greater Boston

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    Greater Boston Area

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    Woburn, MA

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    Cambridge, MA

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Licenses & Certifications


  • Method and apparatus for displaying primitives processed by a parallel processor system in a sequential order

    Issued US 5,325,485

    Also known as the "T" buffer. T for temporal buffer for pixel by pixel sorting, just like the Z buffer.

    Other inventors


  • TPC-DSS benchmarking Hive, YARN, Impala platforms

    Lead team to port TPC-DSS benchmark to Hadoop, multiple vendors, multiple versions of Hive, Impala.

  • Big Data - Roadmap, Data Lake Architecture & Design Engagement


    Guide 100+ year old financial services firm through defining, purchasing, architecting, securing, governing and implementing an enterprise data lake strategy. Mr Moore lead the Technical portion of the Big Data Roadmap, Data Architecture and Design Services, project delivery architect while executive advisory and educational services over the course of 15 months. Client successfully implemented the entire roadmap, four Hadoop platforms, platform upgrades and grew a strong team and is seeing…

    Guide 100+ year old financial services firm through defining, purchasing, architecting, securing, governing and implementing an enterprise data lake strategy. Mr Moore lead the Technical portion of the Big Data Roadmap, Data Architecture and Design Services, project delivery architect while executive advisory and educational services over the course of 15 months. Client successfully implemented the entire roadmap, four Hadoop platforms, platform upgrades and grew a strong team and is seeing successful adoption by data scientists and IT groups across business units.
    This engagement involved a number of sub-projects:
    - Use case discovery
    - Roadmap and Architecture
    - Data Architecture and Design
    - POC implementation
    - Big OLAP implementation of Presto & Tableau
    - Kafka Spark Streaming, HBase POC of XML policy data leading to successful implementation by client of policy center sourced Hadoop based data lake.
    - Enterprise Data Lake ingestion, data wrangling and analytic product evaluation engagement

  • High Tech Manufacturing Big Data


    Architect, Design and lead technical team to execute initial phases of road map definition. Problem set included global Hadoop + Teradata deployment, globally deployed data ingestion, HA/DR, Security, Data Architecture.
    Develop foundational architecture and implement a number of leading big data warehouse use cases. Technologies include Hadoop, Hive, Java UDFs, Spark, GraphX, Scala, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Avro, ORC.

  • Big Data tech assessments - Healthcare, Finance.


    Analyze, Examine, Model and create solution designs for both operating and proposed big data architectures against Think Big Reference architecture.

  • Real-time+batch analytics on Storm + Hadoop.


    Convert existing system to log data to S3, update statistics in real-time and perform analytic use cases in batch & on-demand. Uses AWS SQS, DynamoDB, EMR, EC2, Storm, JSON, Avro, R and Java. System executed incremental batch based machine learning and real-time predictive logics.

  • Web Beacon


    Ingest and report on web beacon events (coming in at high velocity) using Amazon Web Services. Zero to fully developed, configured, tested, certified + run book delivered in 6 weeks.

  • Big Data Warehouse & ETL platform


    Multiple projects, creating big data warehouses & ETL solutions for clients. Including architecting how data would be ingested, processed and published from Hadoop. Client data sets ranging from Terabytes to Petabytes.

  • Storm Trident Tutorial


    Developed a Storm Trident Tutorial for Boston Storm meetup presentation

    See project

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