Happy Supply Chain Week!
We hope that everyone enjoyed the food and festivities, what an amazing season for reflection and gratitude. As we conclude the week, on behalf of Akron Children's Supply Chain leadership team let us acknowledge the contribution of Supply Chain is invaluable as reflected in the following team developed poem:
We are Supply Chain.
Our brows sweat, for all our customers.
On world stages, we are the light in darkness.
We see complexity, and display simplicity.
We are noble leaders, and humble followers.
We are multidisciplinary, clinically integrated.
We raise bars, for a sustainable future.
We honor pioneers, and lead as innovators.
We organize it all, for educated decisions.
We are agilely lean, and deeply gritty.
We are the glue, that bonds all domains.
We are uniquely special, embracing diversity.
We blame processes, we do not blame others.
We enthusiastically run, and joyfully advise.
We are trusted advisors, and open-minded experts.
We strategize plans, aligned to our mission.
We thrive in change, and cautiously adopt.
We are learned mentors, and diligent students.
We foster quality, in evidence-based ways.
We are fiscal stewards, and waste not.
We drive towards value, of any form.
We advance industry, and internally network.
We are team players, and sole performers.
We advocate, for all voices to be heard.
We are difficult to sway, and easy to partner.
We are flexibly versatile, and firmly sound.
We ask for our customers, not for ourselves.
Some said we “stock shelves”, now it is known.
We are Supply Chain, accepting a call to serve.
With gratitude,
Joseph Carr, RN, MBA
Vice President of Supply Chain
Akron Children’s