“Thanks to Ray, Snappy Salads was able to grow from two locations to 14 during the past seven years. Early on, Ray realized the potential of Snappy Salads and organized the first capital raise for the company. Simultaneously, he was instrumental in forming a board of powerhouse restaurant executives that not only gave us credibility as a company, but also the breadth of experience a small, young, growing company requires. As a diligent board member, Ray was the champion of corporate governance and steered both the Audit and Compensation Committee. Throughout our tremendous growth, Ray provided rational and thoughtful advice that only comes from experience. Ray has done it all and knows the potholes to avoid. In addition to sharing experiences and strategic direction, Ray is quick to offer resources, contacts, and introductions that helped the business and me personally. He is generous with his time and supports the community in myriad ways. I will be forever grateful for his steadfast support and commitment to me and Snappy Salads. ”
Chairman - Retail & Restaurant Growth Capital, LP
National Association of Corporate…
Licenses & Certifications
Honors & Awards
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society Membership Award
The University of Texas at Dallas - Beta Gamma Sigma
In Recognition of Professional Achievement by Beta Gamma Sigma
The International Business Honor Society for Collegiate Schools of Business
2017 Outstanding Director Award - Private Company
Dallas Business Journal & E.Y.
2016 NACD Leadership Fellow
National Association of Corporate Directors
2024 The UTD JSOM Owlie Award
The University of Texas at Dallas - Jindal School of Management
Distinguished Decades of Service Award - Voted by Faculty and Student Body for
Outstanding Wisdom & Leadership (OWL)
National Association of Corporate Directors
- PresentStatutory Board Member - North Texas Chapter 2015 - Present Leadership Fellow 2016 - NACD, Washington, DC
North Texas Food Bank
Board Chair; Director, Co-Founder LIFE COUNCIL
- PresentLIFE COUNCIL Co Founder 2013 - Present Co- Chair 2013 - 2015 Innovator of the Year 2014 Board Chair 2X 1990 - 2000 Capital Campaign Committee Hunger Ambassador Award 2017
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