Manas Pathak

Manas Pathak

Greater Phoenix Area
6K followers 500+ connections


Two words that define me on LinkedIn - Energy and AI.

Founder and CEO of EarthEn…


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    Greater Salt Lake City Area, USA

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    Jharia, India

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    Manhattan, KS-United States of America

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  • W. P. Carey School of Business – Arizona State University Graphic

    Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business


    MBA (In-person, evening MBA)

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    -Awarded the best doctoral thesis in Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah
    -Recipient of SPE STAR fellowship and EGI fellowship
    -Thesis on 'Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Fluids in Shale Reservoirs: Effect of the presence of Kerogen and Confinement'

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    This is an integrated course of 5 years, through IIT-JEE admission, leading to a Master's degree in Applied Geology

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    Management Essentials is an online certificate program that takes a distinctive, hands-on approach to management. The course focuses on four of the most essential processes for managers – decision-making, implementation, learning, and change.

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers International Graphic

    Ambassador Lecturer

    Society of Petroleum Engineers International

    - Present 5 years 6 months


    The Ambassador Lecturer Program (ALP) is designed for SPE Young Professionals to share their career development in the industry with students at secondary schools and universities.

  • Air & Waste Management Association Graphic

    President, University of Utah chapter

    Air & Waste Management Association

    - 1 year 1 month


  • Springer Nature Graphic

    Technical Reviewer

    Springer Nature

    Science and Technology

  • EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) Graphic
  • Elsevier Graphic

    Technical Reviewer


    - Present 9 years

    Reviewer for JNGSE & FUEL articles submitted for peer review

  • Free Bikes 4 Kidz Graphic

    Community Volunteer

    Free Bikes 4 Kidz

    - Present 7 years 3 months


  • Coordinator

    Let's do it! Dhanbad

    - 3 years 1 month


    This project was initiated and managed in India by Alexis Society, an International Not-for-Profit & Non-Political Organization with Passion For Excellence. It promotes Creativity, Innovation, Peace, Harmony and Inclusive Development.

  • Alexis Graphic

    Global Ambassador


    - 1 year 1 month

    Social Services

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers  Graphic

    Vice President, Student Chapter

    Society of Petroleum Engineers

    - 1 year

    Served as a Vice President for the student chapter of SPE at the University of Utah. Also, the only recipient of SPE Star Fellowship for the Rocky Mountain Region in 2014.


  • Application of artificial intelligence to forecast hydrocarbon production from shales


    In this study, three different AI models are trained and used to forecast hydrocarbon production from hydraulically fractured wells. Two vastly used artificial intelligence methods, namely the Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) and the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), are compared to a traditional curve fitting method known as Response Surface Model (RSM) using second order polynomial equations to determine production from shales. The objective of this work is to further explore the…

    In this study, three different AI models are trained and used to forecast hydrocarbon production from hydraulically fractured wells. Two vastly used artificial intelligence methods, namely the Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) and the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), are compared to a traditional curve fitting method known as Response Surface Model (RSM) using second order polynomial equations to determine production from shales. The objective of this work is to further explore the potential of AI in the oil and gas industry. Eight parameters are considered as input factors to build the model: reservoir permeability, initial dissolved gas-oil ratio, rock compressibility, gas relative permeability, slope of gas oil ratio, initial reservoir pressure, flowing bottom hole pressure, and hydraulic fracture spacing. The range of values used for these parameters resemble real field scenarios from prolific shale plays such as the Eagle Ford, Bakken, and the Niobrara in the United States. Production data consists of oil recovery factor and produced gas-oil ratio (GOR) generated from a generic hydraulically fractured reservoir model using a commercial simulator. The Box-Behnken experiment design was used to minimize the number of simulations for this study. Five time-based models (for production periods of 90 days, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 15 years) and one rate-based model (when oil rate drops to 5 bbl/day/fracture) were considered. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) routine is used in all three surrogate models to obtain the associated model parameters. Models were trained using 80% of all data generated through simulation while 20% was used for testing of the models.

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  • Least Square Support Vector Machine: An Emerging Tool for Data Analysis

    SPE Low Perm Symposium, Denver, 2016

    Development of high speed computing leads to major advancements in every field of science and engineering. Artificial intelligence (AI) method is emerging as new modern technology applied to machine learning, pattern recognition, processing and understanding data, robotics etc. Its application in oil and gas industry is new despite of the fact that it has huge potential to explore the knowledge regarding reservoir characterization, PVT properties estimation, maximize productions, locating sweet…

    Development of high speed computing leads to major advancements in every field of science and engineering. Artificial intelligence (AI) method is emerging as new modern technology applied to machine learning, pattern recognition, processing and understanding data, robotics etc. Its application in oil and gas industry is new despite of the fact that it has huge potential to explore the knowledge regarding reservoir characterization, PVT properties estimation, maximize productions, locating sweet spot using pattern recognition, optimum design of fracturing job, calculation of recoverable hydrocarbon, well placement etc. The main objective of this study is to put AI such as LSSVM in perspective from reservoir engineering and encourage engineers and researchers to consider it as a valuable alternative tool in the petroleum industry. Factors most affecting the production from fractured low permeability reservoirs such as reservoir permeability, gas relative permeability exponent, rock compressibility, initial gas oil ratio, slope of gas oil ratio in PVT, initial pressure, flowing bottom hole pressure and fracture spacing, are studied. A wide range of values of each parameter based on real field data from Eagle Ford, Bakken and Niobrara in the USA are assigned. Two different kinds of mathematical surrogate models, polynomial response surface method (RSM) and least square support vector machine (LSSVM) are compared to seek the better surrogate models in terms of predictability. Data are generated from a generic reservoir model using commercial simulator. Various models of recovery factors and gas oil ratio are developed for different times (after 90 days, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years) and for a minimum economic rate (5 STB/ day). Multivariate regression was used to obtain coefficients for the second-order polynomial response surface models using 80% of the simulated results (144)...

  • The Effect of Kerogen-Hydrocarbons Interaction on the PVT Properties in Liquid Rich Shale Plays

    SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference, At Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    In liquid rich shale plays, the hydrocarbons may remain associated with the parent kerogen. During catagenesis of kerogen in the geologic history, the kerogen is converted to hydrocarbons. A fraction of the generated hydrocarbons is expelled from the residual kerogen matrix, while the rest is retained within the kerogen matrix. In liquid rich shale plays, the hydrocarbons retained within the kerogen plays a key role in estimated ultimate recovery (EUR). However, the vapor-liquid equilibrium…

    In liquid rich shale plays, the hydrocarbons may remain associated with the parent kerogen. During catagenesis of kerogen in the geologic history, the kerogen is converted to hydrocarbons. A fraction of the generated hydrocarbons is expelled from the residual kerogen matrix, while the rest is retained within the kerogen matrix. In liquid rich shale plays, the hydrocarbons retained within the kerogen plays a key role in estimated ultimate recovery (EUR). However, the vapor-liquid equilibrium between oil and gas in shales is affected by the presence of kerogen. The conventional compositional simulators ignore this kerogen-fluid interaction in calculation of pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) properties which leads to vastly different results. The effect of the equilibrium between the expelled fluids and the kerogen matrix on PVT properties has been studied in the current paper. The vapor liquid equilibrium between oil and gas in the expelled hydrocarbons has been solved together with the kerogen-expelled hydrocarbons equilibrium. The kerogen-fluid interaction in liquid rich shales affects important reservoir fluid properties such as saturation pressures, gas oil ratios (GOR) and formation volume factors leading to changes in produced GOR. A thermodynamic model has been proposed in the current study to calculate changes in above properties due to the kerogen-fluid interaction. The PVT properties calculated with the proposed model account for the kerogen-fluid interaction and will significantly change the predicted recoveries from liquid rich shale plays.

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  • Geologic Controls on Production of Shale Play Resources: Case of Eagle Ford, Bakken and Niobrara

    Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, 2014

    Recent developments in shale technology have revolutionized oil and gas production in the United States. However, there is still a strong demand for assessing the prospectivity of emerging shale plays in and outside of the United States. This paper is an attempt to generalize the results from three major US shale plays: Bakken, Eagle Ford and Niobrara, and to use these concepts to assess the prospectivity of emerging shale plays. Porosity, permeability, TOC, thickness, brittleness, composition…

    Recent developments in shale technology have revolutionized oil and gas production in the United States. However, there is still a strong demand for assessing the prospectivity of emerging shale plays in and outside of the United States. This paper is an attempt to generalize the results from three major US shale plays: Bakken, Eagle Ford and Niobrara, and to use these concepts to assess the prospectivity of emerging shale plays. Porosity, permeability, TOC, thickness, brittleness, composition and maturity of shales are all important in the generation and retention of hydrocarbons. Factors such as depositional environment, uplift and burial, proximity to porous media, presence of natural factures, and reservoir pressure distribution over geologic time scale affect the ability of shales to retain hydrocarbons and be economic reservoirs.
    As an example, in the Eagle Ford Shale, regional over pressure has been generated due to disequilibrium compaction as a result of rapid burial from Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. However, post-burial uplift is smallest in the Central Eagle Ford, therefore, the generated over pressure is best preserved there. Overpressured shale reservoirs usually have high free gas contents. This is critical for high fluid flow rates from shales. Across the Karnes trough in the northeast of the play, there is a good sealing mechanism in the Eagle Ford formation. Therefore, there is good production despite poorer production from the overlying Austin Chalk Reservoir in the area. Thus, the fluid production potential from a shale could be generalized into a “retention” factor.
    The contributing geologic features of three shale plays are compared and analyzed. An attempt is made to correlate these factors and their contributions over geologic time scales to the estimated hydrocarbon in-place in the respective plays.

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  • Tectonics and Petroleum Prospects in South East Asia: A Tertiary Play Model in Myanmar, Bangladesh and Manipur (India)

    EarthDoc, 76th EAGE annual conference and exhibition, 16-19th June, 2014.

    The study region is located along the eastern wing of convergent margin ‘Himalayan Suture’ in South East Asia and consists of Myanmar, Bangladesh and Manipur (India). This highly prospective hydrocarbon region has witnessed several tectonic events including Early Cretaceous rifting and separation of the Indian Plate from Antarctica, formation of the Indian Ocean (part of Palaeo-Tethys), and ultimately the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. The petroleum system in the region…

    The study region is located along the eastern wing of convergent margin ‘Himalayan Suture’ in South East Asia and consists of Myanmar, Bangladesh and Manipur (India). This highly prospective hydrocarbon region has witnessed several tectonic events including Early Cretaceous rifting and separation of the Indian Plate from Antarctica, formation of the Indian Ocean (part of Palaeo-Tethys), and ultimately the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. The petroleum system in the region acquired its primary structural and stratigraphic features as a result of plate movements that occurred from latest Paleozoic to the present. The presence of thick source rocks and of good quality reservoirs, seals and traps makes the basins in the region potentially very attractive for exploration. The Lower Tertiary Shales are primarily gas prone with terrestrial, Type III kerogen and the tectonic setting is similar throughout the region. The region is close to Asian markets and recent political and economic reforms offer foreign investors increasing opportunities for entry into what are Asia’s significant frontier economies. These factors make this region of South Asia ripe for future investment in the oil and gas sector.

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  • Myanmar’s Potential for Oil and Gas - The Next Giant?

    75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC

    From a regional perspective Myanmar’s reserves are significant. This paper discusses the geological factors that may make Myanmar so prolific for hydrocarbon exploitation. We have covered all the geological factors that are favorable for possible hydrocarbon accumulation in Myanmar and compared them with those of proven hydrocarbon provinces of world.

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    Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 275

    Lacustrine, fluvial, and wetland landforms present in the now desertified regions of Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) and the Sevier Desert (SD) in western Utah, record a fascinating history of falling lake level, river development, and establishment of wetland habitats in the Lake Bonneville basin between ~14-8 ka ago. This was not only a time of rapid climate change but also of human occupation into suitable habitats made available by decline of the large lake. Using optically stimulated…

    Lacustrine, fluvial, and wetland landforms present in the now desertified regions of Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) and the Sevier Desert (SD) in western Utah, record a fascinating history of falling lake level, river development, and establishment of wetland habitats in the Lake Bonneville basin between ~14-8 ka ago. This was not only a time of rapid climate change but also of human occupation into suitable habitats made available by decline of the large lake. Using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods we are determining depositional ages for sediment samples from bar features (reworked deltaic sands), braided fluvial channels, and topographically inverted fluvial channels collected from DPG during prior fieldwork. These data will be compared to existing chronological evidence from DPG and SD to test and refine the timing of changes in the geologic environment during this stage of Lake Bonneville regression. Accurate assessment of the timing of the hydrological and geomorphological changes taking place during the late regressive phase of Lake Bonneville will help determine the relative importance of environmental change compared with groundwater discharge thought to accompany falling lake levels.

    Other authors
    • SPENCER, Joel Q.G., OVIATT, Charles, FAN, Yuxin, and LEGGETT, Andrea
    See publication
  • The ~2.5 Ga. Malanjkhand Batholiths are primarily Cordilleran-type granitoids.

    International Symposium on Precambrian Accretionary Orogens (2-11 Feb, 2011) Geological Society of India Abstract Volume, pg 70

    Pathak Manas, Kumar Nitish, Asthana Deepanker.


  • Advanced Thermodynamics


  • Basin Analysis


  • Drilling Operations and Production


  • Economic Geology


  • Fluid Mechanics


  • Geochemistry & petrology


  • Mineral Exploration


  • Petroleum Geology


  • Reservoir Engineering


  • Reservoir Simulation


  • Sedimentology and stratigraphy


  • Structural geology



  • Geologic controls on production of shale play resources.


    My research revolves around geologic controls on production of shale play resources. I am examining the interaction of rock fabric with kerogen and it’s importance in the maturation of kerogen and ultimately the retention of matured kerogen within the shales. My research seeks to quantify the contribution of the geologic processes that affect the retention of hydrocarbons in shales.

  • Trees Produce Electricity- its application


    Having spent more than 4 years at Dhanbad, coal capital of India it presented before us the true picture of the ever degrading environment on health of living beings due to exploration and production of mineral resources which are itself depleting. Therefore, keeping this in mind we accomplished the following:
    • Developed alternative energy source that can supplement and displace the conventionals.
    • Generated electricity from plants and amplified it for use in day to day…

    Having spent more than 4 years at Dhanbad, coal capital of India it presented before us the true picture of the ever degrading environment on health of living beings due to exploration and production of mineral resources which are itself depleting. Therefore, keeping this in mind we accomplished the following:
    • Developed alternative energy source that can supplement and displace the conventionals.
    • Generated electricity from plants and amplified it for use in day to day life.
    • Designed the components of booster circuit.
    • Intend to use the amplified voltage in running electronic circuits such as sensors to prevent forest fires etc.
    One can soon imagine plugging into the surrounding trees to charge our iPods and cell phones

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  • Testing and refining the timing of hydrologic evolution during the latest Pleistocene regressive phase of Lake Bonneville


    Lacustrine, fluvial, and wetland landforms present in the now desertified regions of Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) and the Sevier Desert (SD) in western Utah, record a fascinating history of falling lake level, river development, and establishment of wetland habitats in the Lake Bonneville basin between ~14-8 ka ago. This was not only a time of rapid climate change but also of human occupation into suitable habitats made available by decline of the large lake. Using optically stimulated…

    Lacustrine, fluvial, and wetland landforms present in the now desertified regions of Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) and the Sevier Desert (SD) in western Utah, record a fascinating history of falling lake level, river development, and establishment of wetland habitats in the Lake Bonneville basin between ~14-8 ka ago. This was not only a time of rapid climate change but also of human occupation into suitable habitats made available by decline of the large lake. Using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods we are determining depositional ages for sediment samples from bar features (reworked deltaic sands), braided fluvial channels, and topographically inverted fluvial channels collected from DPG during prior fieldwork. These data will be compared to existing chronological evidence from DPG and SD to test and refine the timing of changes in the geologic environment during this stage of Lake Bonneville regression. Accurate assessment of the timing of the hydrological and geomorphological changes taking place during the late regressive phase of Lake Bonneville will help determine the relative importance of environmental change compared with groundwater discharge thought to accompany falling lake levels.

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  • Sub surface study of gas field in Onshore Netherlands


    I was the team leader in this project and we represented INDIA at the Asia Pacific level. We accomplished the subsurface study of Schagen Permit onshore, N.W of Central Netherlands. This project includes learning of software like Petrel, OpenDtect. Data was donated by AAPG for Imperial Barrel Award,2012.

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  • The ~2.5 Ga. Malanjkhand Batholiths are primarily Cordilleran-type granitoids.


    The consistent and coherent REE patterns and the primitive mantle normalized plots of the Malnjkhand granitoids and their striking similarity with the Cordilleran granitoids demonstrates that: (a) magmatic signatures dominate over affects due to secondary process, such as alteration and metamorphism and (b) the source(s) and the processes involved in the generation of the Malanjkhand granitoids were similar to the Cordilleran granitoids.

Honors & Awards

  • STAR Fellowship 2015, Rocky Mountain, USA

    Society of Petroleum Engineers

  • EGI Fellowship

    Energy & Geoscience Institute

  • Judge, Chair and reviewer

    SPE, EAGE and GCAGS conferences

    Chair of a technical session and abstract reviewer for 76th annual EAGE conference and SPEeuropec in Amsterdam, 2014
    Judge for a technical session in GCAGS 2015.

  • Recipient of INSPIRE scholarship for academic excellence, a prestigious scholarship of Government of India.



  • English

    Full professional proficiency

  • Hindi

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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