Naveen Suri

Naveen Suri

New York City Metropolitan Area
6K followers 500+ connections

Articles by Naveen

  • Naveen Suri

    Naveen Suri

    Portfolio Ambassador, Evangelist, and a Teacher. Global Ambassador and Evangelist of Telcordia and Ericsson portfolio:…

  • Naveen Suri

    Naveen Suri

    The following are a list of Blogs, Speaking Engagements, Webinars, and Catalysts/Proof-of-concepts that I spearheaded…



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  • caspera.lab Graphic


    Cranbury, New Jersey, United States

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    New York City Metropolitan Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Greater New York City Area


  • University of Connecticut School of Business Graphic

    The University of Connecticut School of Business


    Activities and Societies: - Contributed to writing a book on "Marketing Planning & Strategy" Second Edition, by Subhas C. Jain. - Researched and wrote "Globalization of Markets", International Marketing Thesis. - Center for Transnational Accounting & Financial Research - Conducted analysis of Multinational Financial Data affected by exchange rates and inflation changes.

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    Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning

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Licenses & Certifications


  • Network Convergence using Universal Numbers: The UPT Project.

    Databases in Telecommunications, Rome, Italy


  • Patent filed CA2324114A1 - " A method of using a telephone calling card for business transactions"

    US CA2324114A1

    Other inventors


  • ATTENDED: Dale Carnegie on Leadership


  • ATTENDED: Project Management Institute (PMI) on Project Management


  • Attended: Scottworks on Effective Business Negotiations


  • TAUGHT: " Effective Public Speaking" at Cap Gemini, in Cranford, New Jersey (1992 - 1993)


  • TAUGHT: "Data Modelling & Analysis" at Cap Gemini in Cranford, New Jersey (1991 - 1992)


  • TAUGHT: "Modern Wireless Networks Masterclass" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (06/2015)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecommunicatins Seminar in Regulation and Numbering" in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia at MCMC (09/2005)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecommunicatins Seminar in Regulation and Numbering" in Miami, Florida, USA (12/2004)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecommunications Seminar on IP Challenges and Opportunities" in Castries, Saint Lucia (07/2006)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecoms Regulatory Master Class on Numbering" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (03/2004)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecoms Regulatory Master Class on Numbering" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (06/2014)


  • TAUGHT: "Telecoms Regulatory Master Class on Numbering" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (11/2004)


  • TAUGHT:"Numbering Master Class" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (03/2006)


  • TAUGHT:"Numbering Master Class" at Interconnect Communications in Bath, England, U.K. (07/2005)


  • TAUGHT:"Telecommunicatins Seminar in Regulation and Numbering" in San Jose, Costa Rica (09/2005)


  • TAUGHT:"Telecommunicatins Seminar in Regulation and Numbering" in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (02/2006)


  • TAUGHT:"Telecommunicatins Seminar in Regulation and Numbering" in Rio de Jenerio, Brazil (04/2005)



  • SPEAKER: "National Broadband Registry" at Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) in Rome.

  • SPEAKER:"Central Registries & Impacts of IoT on Regulatory Markets" at Telecoms Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in New Delhi.

  • SPEAKER:"Device Management - from Telephony to IoT" at El Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) in Mexico City, Mexico.

  • SPEAKER:"Central Registries & Impacts of IoT on Regulatory Markets" at Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) in Athens, Greece.

  • SPEAKER:"Central Registries & Impacts of IoT on Regulatory Markets" at El Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) in Mexico City, Mexico.

  • SPEAKER:"Central Registries & Impacts of IoT on Regulatory Markets" at Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC) in Bogota, Colombia.

  • SPEAKER:"Central Registries & Impacts of IoT on Regulatory Markets" at Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) in Rome, Italy.

  • SPEAKER:"Device Management - from Telephony to IoT" at Department of Communications in New Delhi, India

  • SPEAKER:"M2M - Trends, Standards, and Interoperability", hearing at Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) in Rome, Italy.

  • SPEAKER & PANELIST: African Telecoms Union (ATU), Durban, South Africa on "Interconnection, Mobile Number Portability and Device Registry Workshop"​.

  • SPEAKER: CEO Conclave, Organized by IBM Thailand with all the Mobile Operators CEO on"Lessons Learnt in implementing MNP Globally"

  • SPEAKER: "How to implement MNP in the Caribbean" at Caribbean Telecoms Union (CTU), Nassau, Bahamas.

  • SPEAKER & PANELIST: "A framework for introducing number portability in Central and Latin America"at ITU Americas Telecom in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

  • SPEAKER & PANELIST: "Transformation Services Play an Integral Part in Winning" at ITU Americas Telecom, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

  • SPEAKER:"Number Portability, Sprinting towards new Revenues" at Telemanagement World in Nice, France.

  • SPEAKER: "A Framework for Introducing Competition in the Markets", a Telcordia sponsored event, Warsaw, Poland

  • SPEAKER & PANELIST: "A Framework for Introducing Number Portability in Asia" at International Telecoms Union (ITU), Busan, South Korea.

Honors & Awards

  • Zero touch Digital Marketplace phase III. Winner Outstanding Catalyst for Business Impact.


    As new network technologies enable next-generation applications and services, businesses will need to access and deploy them as efficiently as possible - meaning minimal human interaction where possible.
    This Catalyst will enable product managers to release their goods into a zero-touch digital market, where they will be seamlessly delivered to each customer using 5G, IoT, and edge computing. Focusing initially on four key industries - sports, healthcare, mining and gaming - this Catalyst…

    As new network technologies enable next-generation applications and services, businesses will need to access and deploy them as efficiently as possible - meaning minimal human interaction where possible.
    This Catalyst will enable product managers to release their goods into a zero-touch digital market, where they will be seamlessly delivered to each customer using 5G, IoT, and edge computing. Focusing initially on four key industries - sports, healthcare, mining and gaming - this Catalyst, with its "industry-agnostic" marketplace ecosystem, will help CSPs realize new revenue streams as countless sectors undergo digital transformation in the years ahead.
    CHAMPIONS: Verizon, COLT, STC.
    PARTICIPANTS: Cognizant, AWS, Gamestream

  • 5G Digital Services Marketplace – Phase II. Winner, Outstanding Catalyst for use of Open Digital Architecture

    TM Forum

    Many businesses grapple with the problem of latency, which can be mitigated through the use of multi-access edge computing (MEC) – edge cloud-based deployments. Meanwhile, containerized network functions perform better in a stateless manner, and can be orchestrated more effectively using the power of open container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes.

    This Catalyst demonstrates how deploying solutions on edge clouds using containerized network functions can radically change the…

    Many businesses grapple with the problem of latency, which can be mitigated through the use of multi-access edge computing (MEC) – edge cloud-based deployments. Meanwhile, containerized network functions perform better in a stateless manner, and can be orchestrated more effectively using the power of open container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes.

    This Catalyst demonstrates how deploying solutions on edge clouds using containerized network functions can radically change the architecture of enterprise network services, enabling them to provide low-latency services faster.

  • Cited -"Implementation of Number Portability" for the Republic Trindad and Tobago.

    Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad & Tobago

  • CEO Award. 2010 Growing the Business Award - India Number Portability Clearinghouse Team


  • Cited & Interviewed: "Telcordia, TRAI in talks for number mapping service" - impacts of ENUM.

    Business Line, Kolkata, India

  • Interviewed on National TV - "introduction of Number Portability in India",

    Zee Business News National TV, India

  • Impact Player, Telcordia's Highest Achievement Award.


  • Cited: Leading Connectivity though ICT's in Barbados. "Number Portability Implementation Worldwide Lessons Learnt"

    Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organisations (CANTO)

  • Interviewed & Cited: "Cellphone Number Portability Unrealized" Milan,

    New York Times.

  • CEO Award. 2007 Growing and Strengthening the Business Award - International Number Portability Team/Number Portability Gateway Team


  • Interviewed & Cited:"India will talk Numbers now"

    Convergence Plus, New delhi, India

  • Interviewed & Cited:"Telcordia launches Indian Company"

    IndUS Business Journal, New York.

  • Interviewed & Cited:" Telcordia sets up R&D Labs in Chennai, India"


  • CEO Award 2005. Telcordia Technologies - Growing & Strengthing the Business - TATA


  • CEO Award 2004 - Growing the Business Award - Number Portability Clearinghouse Team



  • English

    Full professional proficiency

  • Hindi

    Professional working proficiency


  • Signal Sphere


    - Present
  • Project Management Institute


  • Center for Transnational Accounting & Financial Research

    Financial Research Analyst


    Conducted analysis of multinational financial data subject to exchange rate and inflation changes. Analyzed Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and other relevant financial data of Fortune 500 companies.

  • 3GSM


    Attended and Contributed: - 2004, Cannes, France - 2007, Barcelona, Spain - 2010, Barcelona, Spain



    Attended & Contributed: - 2001, Sofia Antipolis, France - 2000, Graz, Austria - 2000, Ottowa, Canada

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress


    Attended and Contributed in; - 2012, Ministerial Conference, Barcelona, Spain - 2013, Ministerial Conference, Barcelona, Spain - 2014, Ministerial Conference, Barcelona, Spain - 2015, Ministerial Conference, Barcelona, Spain - 2016, Ministerial Conference, Barcelona, Spain

  • International Telecoms Union - Global Symposium of Regulators (ITU-GSR)


    Attended & Contributed in: - 2008, Pattaya, Thailand - 2010, Dakkar, Senegal - 2012, Columbo, Sri Lanka - 2014, Doha, Bahrain

  • International Telecoms Union (ITU) - World


    Attended & Contributed in; - 2004, Busan, South Korea - 2005, Salvador da Bahia,, Brazil - 2009, Geneva, Switzerland - 2015, Budapest, Hungary

  • Telemanagement Forum (TMF)


    Attended & Contributed: - 2003, Nice, France - 2004, Nice, France - 2005, Nice, France - 2016, Nice, France

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