Michael Forrester

Michael Forrester

Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States
3K followers 500+ connections


A motivated Sales and Service executive with over 20 years of successful leadership…


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    South Carolina, United States

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    Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, South Carolina Area

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    Spartanburg, South Carolina

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    greenville, south carolina

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    spartanburg, sc

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    Spartanburg, SC

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  • Partners for Active Living


    - Present

    Partners for Active Living transforms Spartanburg County, South Carolina into a vibrant, healthy, connected community where we live and grow. The history of the organization dates to 1996 when a study commissioned by local leaders called Healthy Spartanburg found cardiovascular disease and obesity to be among the greatest health risks facing Spartanburg. Partners for Active Living, which was originally called Heartwise, was created to help address the problem. In 2003, the organization changed…

    Partners for Active Living transforms Spartanburg County, South Carolina into a vibrant, healthy, connected community where we live and grow. The history of the organization dates to 1996 when a study commissioned by local leaders called Healthy Spartanburg found cardiovascular disease and obesity to be among the greatest health risks facing Spartanburg. Partners for Active Living, which was originally called Heartwise, was created to help address the problem. In 2003, the organization changed its name and shifted its focus to address the root causes of cardiovascular disease: physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Partners for Active Living frames our work in a three pronged message, which all point to healthy eating and active living: childhood obesity prevention, trails & parks, walking and bicycling for everyone. Within each of our three focus areas, we address the four ‘Ps’: Places to be healthy and active Programs that encourage activity Policies that sustain our work over the long term Partnerships that build a strong network of support for a healthy community "It seems like a no-brainer: the fewer the sidewalks, walking destinations, safe neighborhoods, and other accoutrements that go into making a community "walkable", the less people walk. The less they walk, the more they weigh. The more they weigh, the more likely they are to have health problems."—Excerpted from THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF SPRAWL, from the website for The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Our brand: we launched a new logo, as well as a new website in February 2014. After 10 years of work, we felt our image needed a facelift to better reflect our impact in Spartanburg. Our logo shows abstract active “people” that form a radial mark just as PAL works to bring together resources, people, organizations and businesses to promote active lifestyles among community members.

  • Hope Center for Children

    Board Member

    - Present

    The Hope Center for Children was formed when two strong organizations, the Ellen Hines Smith Girls Home and the Children Shelter of the Upstate, combined forces to provide a broader array of Services to meet the needs of children and families in our community. www.hopecfc.org

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