Mehak Beri

Mehak Beri

Austin, Texas, United States
4K followers 500+ connections


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Jack of all trades and master of some, I…

Articles by Mehak

  • Being laid off: A learning opportunity

    Being laid off: A learning opportunity

    I came to pursue the American dream from India in 2017. Being an international student, getting my first full time job…

  • Machine Learning: What is it & How to get started?

    Machine Learning: What is it & How to get started?

    I had the opportunity to present a Machine Learning Workshop at Samsung Austin Research Center, Austin, TX where I work…

  • My experience at Texas Conference for Women

    My experience at Texas Conference for Women

    I attended the Texas Conference for Women held at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX, USA on 9 November, 2018 --…

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  • Apple Graphic


    Austin, Texas, United States

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    Austin, Texas Area

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    Austin, Texas Area

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    Austin, Texas Area

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    Dallas/Fort Worth Area

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    University of Texas at Dallas, Texas

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    Gurgaon, India

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    Chandigarh Area, India

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    UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh


  • The University of Texas at Austin Graphic
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    - Data Science Competition Winner [Lennox Ultimate Data Science Challenge | Winner DSC 2019]
    - Hackathon Winner [Sponsored Prizes at HackUTD]
    - Hackathon Winner [Hack OneM2M] | Mask IT | IOT + Machine Learning + MEAN
    - Hackathon at Princeton University : CHAI | Machine Learning + Natural Language Processing
    Critique Handling Artificial Intelligence-or CHAI created for ML powered grading of school essays

    Machine Learning [CS 6375]
    Natural Language…

    - Data Science Competition Winner [Lennox Ultimate Data Science Challenge | Winner DSC 2019]
    - Hackathon Winner [Sponsored Prizes at HackUTD]
    - Hackathon Winner [Hack OneM2M] | Mask IT | IOT + Machine Learning + MEAN
    - Hackathon at Princeton University : CHAI | Machine Learning + Natural Language Processing
    Critique Handling Artificial Intelligence-or CHAI created for ML powered grading of school essays

    Machine Learning [CS 6375]
    Natural Language Processing [CS 6320]
    Database Design [CS 6360]
    Independent Study in Computational Ethics [CS6V81]
    Big Data Management and Analytics [CS 6350]
    Artificial Intelligence [CS 6364]
    Distributed Computing [CS 6380]
    Object Oriented Analysis and Design [CS 6359]
    Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms [CS 6363]
    Visual Programming [CS 6301]
    Algorithm Analysis and Data Structures [CS 5353]
    Operating Systems Concepts [CS 5348]
    Discrete Structures [CS 5333]

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    - Authored two research papers in journals of international repute
    - Served as the IEEE vice chairperson, literary committee-Magboard president as well as the Women in Engineering branch’s chairperson during my undergrad degree
    - Awarded “Best IEEE WIE Student Volunteer” award in the North India region
    - Awarded Best IEEE Student Volunteer Award in Panjab University three times in a row for my work
    - Worked with an NGO called “Arrive Safe” as a writer and editor during my undergrad

Licenses & Certifications


  • Intelligent Floating Car Parking System

    International Conference on Recent Advances and Trends in Electrical Engineering(RATEE 2014)

    ISBN: 978-93-84869-05-2/323

    Other authors
  • Rotation Direction Control by Finger Movement

    IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (2014 IEEE ICCIC)

    IEEE Xplore:
    Catalog Number:CFP1420J-ART ISBN:978-1-4799-3975-6

Honors & Awards

  • Lennox Ultimate Data Science Challenge

    Lennox International

    Second Place Winner at Data Science Competition 2019 at UTD

    Deployed solution using heroku which provide insights to Lennox on how to optimize marketing investments and recommendations for the location of new openings. Pre-processed data with Pandas and scikit-learn. Used Weka, and Python Plotly for exploratory data analysis and feature engineering. Predictions models built using TensorFlow, Keras and xgboost

  • Mortgage Risk Analytics Engine

    HackUTD 2019

    Second Place winner at HackUTD's Fannie Mae (Sponsor Prize)

    - Built solution to predict mortgages (98% accuracy) that will be foreclosed on or paid off early. End product was a Bokeh app for end user to acquisition values to predict the viability of that property acquisition
    - Pre-processed data with Pandas and scikit-learn. Used Weka, and Python Plotly for exploratory data analysis and feature engineering
    - Developed a risk analysis system modeled with random forest skit-learn…

    Second Place winner at HackUTD's Fannie Mae (Sponsor Prize)

    - Built solution to predict mortgages (98% accuracy) that will be foreclosed on or paid off early. End product was a Bokeh app for end user to acquisition values to predict the viability of that property acquisition
    - Pre-processed data with Pandas and scikit-learn. Used Weka, and Python Plotly for exploratory data analysis and feature engineering
    - Developed a risk analysis system modeled with random forest skit-learn to predict which loans are recommended to acquire based on historical data

  • MaskIt: Detect when to use a Mask using commodity sensors

    OneM2M Hackathon 2018

    Second Place winner at OneM2M Hackathon 2018

    - Solution to air pollution using real time communication with IOT sensors using perceptron machine learning trainer for decision making || OneM2M protocol, Python, Express, NodeJS
    - Designed the architecture of the IoT application: a commodity pollution sensor read by a NodeMCU-WIFI using OneM2M protocol to communicate with a NodeJS app (ML model of pollution labeled with high-end sensor).

  • IEEE Best WIE Student Volunteer Award

    IEEE Delhi Section

  • Best Paper and Best Presenter Award

    International Conference on Recent Advances and Trends in Electrical Engineering(RATEE 2014)

    Paper titled "Intelligent Floating Car Parking System" was adjudged as the best paper presented in the Track "Embedded System in Automation"


  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Hindi

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Punjabi

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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