Articles by Lewis
Prospects for commercialization of LENRs have radically improved. New Lattice report “Strategic importance of accelerating commercialization of LENRs…
Prospects for commercialization of LENRs have radically improved. New Lattice report “Strategic importance of accelerating commercialization of LENRs…
Shared by Lewis Larsen
Lattice Energy LLC
The University of Chicago
In early 1970s, completed coursework and part of dissertation for PhD in Biophysics at the University of Miami. Had to drop-out of program because of finding cuts in government block grant that supported my postgraduate work.
New book “Fusion Fiasco” reveals shocking new info about “cold fusion” debacle: by Oct. 1989 Dr. Edward Teller, ‘father’ of U.S. H-bomb, concluded effects caused by nuclear process but not D+D fusion
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Those interested can skip over technical slides and go directly to 22-slide Synopsis on Slides #32 - 54. Thanks to unprecedented access to never-before-publicly-revealed U.S. government documents, Krivit paints a radically different picture of what happened behind-the-scenes and what senior Dept. of Energy decision makers truly knew about excellent supportive data produced in experiments conducted by U.S. government scientists in 1989 to evaluate Pons & Fleischmann’s controversial…
Those interested can skip over technical slides and go directly to 22-slide Synopsis on Slides #32 - 54. Thanks to unprecedented access to never-before-publicly-revealed U.S. government documents, Krivit paints a radically different picture of what happened behind-the-scenes and what senior Dept. of Energy decision makers truly knew about excellent supportive data produced in experiments conducted by U.S. government scientists in 1989 to evaluate Pons & Fleischmann’s controversial results.
By late October 1989, Dr. Edward Teller, ‘father’ of first U.S. Hydrogen bomb, became convinced that Pons & Fleischmann had truly discovered a little-understood nuclear process. Bizarre absence of deadly radiation indicated to him that P&F’s results weren’t caused by a fusion reaction, D+D or otherwise. After examining the DOE ERAB panel’s collection of data, Teller speculated that the underlying process was nuclear and catalyzed by “neutral particle of small mass and marginal stability” akin to a neutron. Krivit reveals how Teller’s prescient insights were ignored by ERAB and effectively buried for 27 years. Krivit exposes behind-the-scenes manipulation of attitudes of key decision makers, including artful ad hoc rationales and disinformation crafted to convince other ERAB scientists to dismiss good experimental data which clearly indicated that nuclear processes were occurring in electrochemical cells. Contrary to previous thinking, stars, fission reactors, and nuclear weapons are not mandatory for nucleosynthesis. -
Possible production of stable Gold (197Au) via LENR neutron-catalyzed transmutation of Platinum catalyst during operation of catalytic converters in cars and trucks
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Presently, unbeknownst to unsuspecting drivers and vehicle manufacturers worldwide, green LENR transmutation processes are likely occurring at very low rates during operation of three-way catalytic converters installed in over a billion cars and trucks.
Radiation-free nuclear transmutation of chemical elements by LENRs inside catalytic converters is strongly indicated by the presence of anomalous Gold, excess radiogenic Osmium, and shifts toward heavier isotopes that have been reported…Presently, unbeknownst to unsuspecting drivers and vehicle manufacturers worldwide, green LENR transmutation processes are likely occurring at very low rates during operation of three-way catalytic converters installed in over a billion cars and trucks.
Radiation-free nuclear transmutation of chemical elements by LENRs inside catalytic converters is strongly indicated by the presence of anomalous Gold, excess radiogenic Osmium, and shifts toward heavier isotopes that have been reported in Platinum and Palladium found in micron-scale nanoparticles that are emitted from vehicle exhaust pipes.
Extensive sampling and chemical analysis of certain roadway dust and roadside soils by environmental scientists have revealed that in scattered locations nanoparticulate Gold emitted from motor vehicle exhaust has accumulated to the point where local concentrations of this precious metal nearing key minimum threshold of 0.5 ppm needed for economic Gold ore.
This surprising nuclear activity in ubiquitous vehicular catalytic converters and absence of deleterious consequences for drivers or Earth’s environment argue that the world is already safely coexisting with LENRs. This supports idea that LENRs could potentially be a very attractive future source of green nuclear energy if the technology is successfully commercialized. -
1993 ‘lost’ conference paper: Prof. John Dash et al. reported electrochemical transmutation of Platinum to Gold and Palladium to Silver
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Twenty-three years ago, Prof. John Dash et al. correctly concluded that “slow neutrons” were responsible for creating Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) transmutation products that they clearly observed via EDS in electrochemical cells that had been electrolyzed for 400 hours. However, they mistakenly hypothesized that such neutrons were produced by a nuclear fusion process. While reproducibility of otherwise plausible experimental results (especially with regard to production of excess heat on-demand)…
Twenty-three years ago, Prof. John Dash et al. correctly concluded that “slow neutrons” were responsible for creating Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) transmutation products that they clearly observed via EDS in electrochemical cells that had been electrolyzed for 400 hours. However, they mistakenly hypothesized that such neutrons were produced by a nuclear fusion process. While reproducibility of otherwise plausible experimental results (especially with regard to production of excess heat on-demand) was then --- and even still remains --- a key commercialization issue, the quality and theoretical consistency of this reported data with respect to the Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs is excellent and worth examining. A pdf copy of Dash et al.’s long-unavailable conference paper can be viewed and downloaded at New Energy Times
Ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs) could help achieve certain key strategic goals specified in Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Synopsis: technology of ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs) could convert aromatics derived from crude oil and special processing of natural gas into nanoparticulate LENR fuels with energy densities 5,000x greater than gasoline. LENR technology could also stretch useful economic lifetimes of KSA’s remaining in-ground supplies of fossil Carbon sources from current estimate of <150 years out to at least 25,000 years into the far future. Altogether, LENR technology fits beautifully into…
Synopsis: technology of ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs) could convert aromatics derived from crude oil and special processing of natural gas into nanoparticulate LENR fuels with energy densities 5,000x greater than gasoline. LENR technology could also stretch useful economic lifetimes of KSA’s remaining in-ground supplies of fossil Carbon sources from current estimate of <150 years out to at least 25,000 years into the far future. Altogether, LENR technology fits beautifully into achieving certain key goals specified in the Vision 2030 plan.
U.S. House Armed Services Committee requests national security briefing about ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs) from U.S. Dept. of Defense
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Partial excerpt quoted directly from Congressional request published on May 4, 2016: “The committee is aware of recent positive developments in developing low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), which produce ultraclean, low-cost renewable energy that have strong national security implications. For example, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), if LENR works it will be a ‘disruptive technology that could revolutionize energy production and storage’ … the committee directs the…
Partial excerpt quoted directly from Congressional request published on May 4, 2016: “The committee is aware of recent positive developments in developing low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), which produce ultraclean, low-cost renewable energy that have strong national security implications. For example, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), if LENR works it will be a ‘disruptive technology that could revolutionize energy production and storage’ … the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing on the military utility of recent U.S. industrial base LENR advancements to the House Committee on Armed Services by September 22, 2016.’’
Neutron production, capture and nucleosynthesis in electric discharges: from lightning bolts to electrochemical batteries
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
LENR transmutations can occur all around us. Neutrons can be created when Hydrogen atoms (protons) are present within many different types of electric discharges that can include among diverse other things: atmospheric lightning on earth and other planets, arcs between electrodes in air, water, hydrocarbons, as well as in nano-arcs (internal shorts) that can occur in electrochemical batteries.
Battery energy density, product safety, and ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs)
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
Quest to improve performance drives battery R&D toward ever-higher energy densities. Internal electrical shorts, hot sparks, and catastrophic electric arcs are sometimes reducing durability and causing thermal runaways, fires, and explosions in Lithium-ion batteries. Ultralow energy neutron reactions (LENRs) may be causing some of these extreme events; engineering for LENR effects could potentially help improve future battery safety and durability.
February 2016 had the highest average global temperatures ever recorded since 1880
Lattice Energy LLC on SlideShare
February 2016 was the warmest February since 1880. Immediately following the hottest January ever recorded, the long-observed, persistent trend toward warmer global temperatures continues unabated. It may even be accelerating.
Regardless of whether global warming is man-caused or not, it would probably be prudent for society to reduce future CO2 emissions from power generation activities if the economic cost of doing so can be reasonable. This will eventually happen anyway because…February 2016 was the warmest February since 1880. Immediately following the hottest January ever recorded, the long-observed, persistent trend toward warmer global temperatures continues unabated. It may even be accelerating.
Regardless of whether global warming is man-caused or not, it would probably be prudent for society to reduce future CO2 emissions from power generation activities if the economic cost of doing so can be reasonable. This will eventually happen anyway because British Petroleum has estimated that fossil fuel resources will be totally exhausted in less than 150 years at present rates of global energy consumption. -
A primer for electroweak induced low-energy nuclear reactions
Pramana-Journal of Physics/Indian Academy of Sciences/Springer
Abstract: Under special circumstances, electromagnetic and weak interactions can induce low-energy nuclear reactions to occur with observable rates for a variety of processes. A common element in all these applications is that the electromagnetic energy stored in many relatively slow-moving electrons can -- under appropriate circumstances -- be collectively transferred into fewer, much faster electrons with energies sufficient for the latter to combine with protons (or deuterons, if present) to…
Abstract: Under special circumstances, electromagnetic and weak interactions can induce low-energy nuclear reactions to occur with observable rates for a variety of processes. A common element in all these applications is that the electromagnetic energy stored in many relatively slow-moving electrons can -- under appropriate circumstances -- be collectively transferred into fewer, much faster electrons with energies sufficient for the latter to combine with protons (or deuterons, if present) to produce neutrons via weak interactions. The produced neutrons can then initiate low-energy nuclear reactions through further nuclear transmutations. The aim of this paper is to extend and enlarge upon various examples analysed previously, present order of magnitude estimates for each and to illuminate a common unifying theme amongst all of them.
At the very end of the paper we conclude that: “The analysis presented in this paper leads us to conclude that realistic possibilities exist for designing LENR devices capable of producing `green energy', that is, production of excess heat at low cost without lethal nuclear waste, dangerous gamma-rays or unwanted neutrons. The necessary tools and the essential theoretical know-how to manufacture such devices appear to be well within the reach of the technology available now. Vigorous efforts must now be made to develop such devices whose functionality requires all three interactions of the Standard Model acting in concert.”Other authors -
Ultra Low Momentum Neutron Catalyzed Nuclear Reactions on Metallic Hydride Surfaces
European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields published by Springer
Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions in metallic hydride system surfaces are discussed. Weak interaction catalysis initially occurs when neutrons (along with neutrinos) are produced from the protons that capture “heavy” electrons. Surface electron masses are shifted upwards by localized condensed matter electromagnetic fields. Condensed matter quantum electrodynamic processes may also
shift the densities of final states, allowing an appreciable production of extremely low…Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions in metallic hydride system surfaces are discussed. Weak interaction catalysis initially occurs when neutrons (along with neutrinos) are produced from the protons that capture “heavy” electrons. Surface electron masses are shifted upwards by localized condensed matter electromagnetic fields. Condensed matter quantum electrodynamic processes may also
shift the densities of final states, allowing an appreciable production of extremely low momentum neutrons,
which are thereby efficiently absorbed by nearby nuclei. No Coulomb barriers exist for the weak interaction
neutron production or other resulting catalytic processes.Other authors -
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Des chercheurs de l'université nationale de singapour ont mis au point l'équivalent d'un système nerveux artificiel pour les peaux électroniques…
Des chercheurs de l'université nationale de singapour ont mis au point l'équivalent d'un système nerveux artificiel pour les peaux électroniques…
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Hyundai Kona EV spontaneously caught fire and then exploded in Montreal, CA home garage; blast blew-out garage door - Electrek July 27, 2019…
Hyundai Kona EV spontaneously caught fire and then exploded in Montreal, CA home garage; blast blew-out garage door - Electrek July 27, 2019…
Shared by Lewis Larsen
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