Klint C. Kendrick, PhD, SPHR

Klint C. Kendrick, PhD, SPHR

Greater Fayetteville, AR Area
13K followers 500+ connections


• Results-oriented Human Resources professional offering 15+ years of experience leading…

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  • HR M&A Roundtable Graphic


    HR M&A Roundtable

    - Present 8 years 1 month


    The HR M&A Roundtable is a peer-learning forum for M&A professionals with experience managing people, culture, and leadership issues in Mergers & Acquisitions. Founded in 2017, we provide a solicitation-free environment where members share their own experience, including lessons learned and best practices.

    Participation is limited to professionals who are either 1) in a role with M&A responsibilities or 2) anticipate managing an M&A transaction in the next 12 months. Individuals who meet…

    The HR M&A Roundtable is a peer-learning forum for M&A professionals with experience managing people, culture, and leadership issues in Mergers & Acquisitions. Founded in 2017, we provide a solicitation-free environment where members share their own experience, including lessons learned and best practices.

    Participation is limited to professionals who are either 1) in a role with M&A responsibilities or 2) anticipate managing an M&A transaction in the next 12 months. Individuals who meet these requirements are invited to join the National Conference and participate in roundtable sessions.

    The first HR M&A Roundtable National Conference will be held in Chicago on September 17 and 18, 2019. We're excited to partner with Korn Ferry, ADP, and other sponsors to deliver the best conference experience possible for mastering people, culture, and leadership in M&A.

    We’ve gathered industry experts to deliver keynotes, share on panels, and facilitate roundtable breakout sessions. You'll also broaden your network to include an elite group of people with deep experience and insight. You will walk away from this two-day experience with insights and techniques to take action immediately and make the most of due diligence and integration. Contact me or visit the webpage for more information.

  • Chair

    Northwest Industry Liaison Group

    - 2 years 3 months

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    • Represented Boeing on the Northwest Industry Liaison Group, a contractor / agency partnership.
    • Coordinated with OFCCP, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Census Bureau, and other agencies to share technical compliance information.
    • Planned and held a conference on employment of people with disabilities, involving over 12 enforcement agencies and community based organizations. The event, attended by over 200 people…

    • Represented Boeing on the Northwest Industry Liaison Group, a contractor / agency partnership.
    • Coordinated with OFCCP, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Census Bureau, and other agencies to share technical compliance information.
    • Planned and held a conference on employment of people with disabilities, involving over 12 enforcement agencies and community based organizations. The event, attended by over 200 people, was submitted for a nationwide best practice award by the OFCCP.

  • President and Board Member

    Sunset Heights Condo Association

    - 8 years 8 months

    President of an 80-unit condominium association in the Seattle area with an annual budget of approximately $300,000.

    The prior board had taken reserves to less than $10,000 with no notification to homeowners, and the economic downturn had resulted in 20% of units not paying monthly maintenance fees. In the first year, I worked with the board to terminate and replace our professional management and make our collection policy as aggressive as permissible under the law, providing leverage…

    President of an 80-unit condominium association in the Seattle area with an annual budget of approximately $300,000.

    The prior board had taken reserves to less than $10,000 with no notification to homeowners, and the economic downturn had resulted in 20% of units not paying monthly maintenance fees. In the first year, I worked with the board to terminate and replace our professional management and make our collection policy as aggressive as permissible under the law, providing leverage for delinquent institutional owners while simultaneously allowing flexibility for struggling individual homeowners. By the second year, reserves had increased to over $100,000.and only one unit was chronically failing to pay monthly maintenance fees. The association is no longer in danger of being placed into receivership, and the likelihood of a substantial special assessment is near zero.


  • The HR Practitioner's Guide to Cultural Integration

    HR M&A Roundtable

    According to research from Harvard Business School, over 70% of corporate mergers and acquisitions destroy shareholder value. These failed transactions don’t just negatively impact the buyer, they impair customers, weaken suppliers, and damage careers. When deals fail, business leaders frequently point to cultural differences as the culprit. Successful M&A requires companies to overcome the culture clashes that naturally arise when two firms come together.

    The HR Practitioner’s Guide to…

    According to research from Harvard Business School, over 70% of corporate mergers and acquisitions destroy shareholder value. These failed transactions don’t just negatively impact the buyer, they impair customers, weaken suppliers, and damage careers. When deals fail, business leaders frequently point to cultural differences as the culprit. Successful M&A requires companies to overcome the culture clashes that naturally arise when two firms come together.

    The HR Practitioner’s Guide to Cultural Integration in Mergers & Acquisitions shows you how to avoid the common pitfalls in M&A, overcoming culture clash and driving deal value.

    In this step-by-step guide, Dr. Klint Kendrick, who has personally led the HR workstream on scores of deals for companies like Boeing, Oracle, and SC Johnson, provides practical teachings, tools, and techniques to help you understand:

    How paying attention to culture creates or destroys deal value
    The five key drivers of culture clash and how to spot them before they derail your deal
    Three deal-specific questions that will make cultural integration more effective
    A powerful method to determine which cultural elements must be attended to first
    More than a dozen leading practices for effective cultural integration, allowing you to surmount the twin challenges of employee attrition and decreased productivity

    Packed with concrete examples and actionable advice, this eagerly awaited follow-up to the best-selling HR Practitioner’s Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions Due Diligence helps you identify the root causes of culture clash and overcome them for deal success.

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  • The HR Practitioner's Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions Due Diligence

    HR M&A Roundtable

    Over 70% of all mergers and acquisitions are doomed to fail according to HBR. When deals fail, they destroy billions of dollars in value, affecting companies, employees, retirees, and communities. Over a quarter of business leaders say avoidable problems with people, leadership, and culture are the primary cause of deal failure. This means the key to a successful M&A requires you to uncover significant people issues before it's too late!

    This book shows you how to avoid the HR headaches…

    Over 70% of all mergers and acquisitions are doomed to fail according to HBR. When deals fail, they destroy billions of dollars in value, affecting companies, employees, retirees, and communities. Over a quarter of business leaders say avoidable problems with people, leadership, and culture are the primary cause of deal failure. This means the key to a successful M&A requires you to uncover significant people issues before it's too late!

    This book shows you how to avoid the HR headaches that arise in M&A-and make your deals more likely to beat the odds. In this step-by-step guide, Dr. Klint Kendrick, who has personally led dozens of deals and is Chair of the HR M&A Roundtable, provides practical teachings, tools, and techniques to help you understand:

    - How people, leadership, and culture issues will determine if your M&A is a success or failure
    -The six vital areas HR must explore for your due diligence efforts to make a difference
    -Eight powerful methods for extracting critical data from the information ecosystem so you can uncover problems earlier
    -Four fundamental ways to mitigate the HR risks that will doom your deal to failure if they're not addressed
    -A no-nonsense approach to assessing and retaining top talent during M&A, ensuring business continuity and maximizing value capture.

    Overflowing with real-life examples and actionable tools and templates, this practical book helps you tackle the most vexing people issues that arise during business sales and acquisitions.

    See publication
  • The Relationships Between Employee Engagement, Work Engagement, and Leader-Member Exchange



    As businesses attempt to do more work with fewer people, engaging employees becomes increasingly important. Practitioners assert that leaders have profound impact on the engagement of employees. At the same time, scholars have been debating the nature of the construct. The purpose of this study is to answer questions from both practitioners and scholars to understand 1) how leaders effect engagement levels, and 2) how different measures of engagement are related. To answer…


    As businesses attempt to do more work with fewer people, engaging employees becomes increasingly important. Practitioners assert that leaders have profound impact on the engagement of employees. At the same time, scholars have been debating the nature of the construct. The purpose of this study is to answer questions from both practitioners and scholars to understand 1) how leaders effect engagement levels, and 2) how different measures of engagement are related. To answer these questions, 237 U.S.-based, non-executive employees of one division of an aerospace product and part manufacturing company completed an online survey. Participants completed three instruments: the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale – 9-item measure (UWES-9), the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) 12-item Engagement Index, and the leader-member exchange multidimensional model (LMX-MDM).

    The study found strong correlations between employee engagement and leadership and work engagement and leadership, but did not find strong correlations between employee engagement and the length of time employees and managers have worked together. The study also found strong relationships between work engagement and employee engagement, but not at a level sufficient to demonstrate collinearity.

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  • Retaining Minority Millennials: Challenges for Employers in Aerospace and Defense

    EEO Insight

    The aerospace and defense industry faces a shortfall of 40,000 engineers by 2010, leading to aggressive college recruitment.However, these new employees are leaving at unprecedented rates, especially among minority populations.This article examines some causes for higher turnover among minorities and Millennials,and suggests areas for additional research.

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Honors & Awards

  • Sparkie Award


    The Workforce Integrations team was honored with the Sparkie Award for our work bringing in thousands of associates via M&A and insourcing. Through rigorous process improvement and focus on both the business and associate experience, we made a difference in every segment.

  • S.C. Johnson Officer's Award


    The SCJ Officer's Award recognizes significant contributions that have not only exceeded expectations but have also substantially enhanced the performance of the company. The Officer's Award was recommended by the Corporate Development team for work on several significant company acquisitions.

  • HR Excellence Award Recipient

    The Boeing Company

    Received award for development of a country-to-country moves process which reduced cycle time for international inter-entity moves by approximately 60%.

  • HR Excellence Award Nomination

    The Boeing Company

    Nominated for leading a team of HR professionals through the development of an information portal for international employees and managers.


  • HR Mergers & Acquisitions Roundtable


    - Present

    The HR M&A Roundtable is a solicitation-free forum for Human Resources professionals with experience managing people, culture, and leadership issues in Mergers & Acquisitions. We are a peer-learning environment where members share their own experiences and exchange ideas among colleagues they trust. You can learn about us at www.MandARoundtable.com.

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