“Kennedy is quite possibly the hardest-working guy that I know. While I'm quite the "hare," he is the tortoise. But even that doesn't give him enough credit -- this man is absolutely relentless. Day-in and day-out, the bulk of his hours seem to go to work. Yet he never seems to burn out. There's nothing that gets between him and his work. Since I met him in 2011, he's been continously building his portfolio and growing his following. He's one of the few designers I know that has fans come up to him and ask for photographs! Don't let his humility fool you ("I only make things look pretty!") -- Kennedy designs functional, usable apps with the best of them. To me, it's no wonder that his steady, consistent work has earned him both a studio of workers (Theron) the opportunity to work with some of the most prestigious firms in the world (Google, et al.). Kennedy has moved quickly from a dead start to the pinnacle of his field and he's not showing any sign of slowing down. Keep your eyes on this one. ”
C.M. Kennedy
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
500+ connections
Kennedy is a Creator based in Rinón, PR. He has worked with renowned brands such as…
I'm happy to share that we will be hiring a Business District Manager for South Side's East Carson Street! This new position will be located in the…
I'm happy to share that we will be hiring a Business District Manager for South Side's East Carson Street! This new position will be located in the…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
🔔 WE ARE HIRING 🔔 The PDP is seeking a South Side Business District Manager that will be responsible for implementing economic development…
🔔 WE ARE HIRING 🔔 The PDP is seeking a South Side Business District Manager that will be responsible for implementing economic development…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
We are beyond excited to announce the launch of Flow House, our first development offering ownership opportunities. (We’re selling condos) Located…
We are beyond excited to announce the launch of Flow House, our first development offering ownership opportunities. (We’re selling condos) Located…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
Self Taught
Licenses & Certifications
Code vs. Cancer First Place - $10,000 cash price. Circly will help you, your friends, and family lower your risk of breast cancer. Tell us a little about yourself so we can understand what your risks are.
Other creatorsSee project -
Hired In NY
Best Jobs and Economic Mobility App Third Place – $10,000: Hired In NY is a mobile app that makes it easy to discover, connect and apply to thousands of jobs at 2,000 New York-based startups and small companies.
Other creatorsSee project -
Career Hound
Techcrunch Disrupt Hackathon 2013 - 1100 hackers, 165+ hacks presented
Won 2nd place for Appery.io API prize ($1k)
http://www.storify.com/jeffnovich/techcrunch-disrupt-hackathon-2013Other creatorsSee project -
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app that showed you all of the cool parties, bars and restaurants that you could be hitting tonight? Of course it would. But you know what would be even better? A social application that will lie and say you are already doing those things while you sit at home in your pajamas.
Built for the 2013 Foursquare Hackathon. Life without the hassle of living.Other creatorsSee project -
Poach talent from dying companies.
Won 2nd place at TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon 2012 NYC.Other creatorsSee project -
Predict the Sky
Predict the Sky SMS is a text message service for satellite enthusiasts. It tracks satellite events and sends you a SMS message when one is visible from your location on Earth as it's happening. Right now it tracks the ISS as it passes over the earth, as well as iridium flare events from a variety of satelites. It pulls the data from Heavens-Above.com and uses Twilio to send the text messages to subscribers. This was our solution to the Predict the Sky challenge for the NASA Space Apps…
Predict the Sky SMS is a text message service for satellite enthusiasts. It tracks satellite events and sends you a SMS message when one is visible from your location on Earth as it's happening. Right now it tracks the ISS as it passes over the earth, as well as iridium flare events from a variety of satelites. It pulls the data from Heavens-Above.com and uses Twilio to send the text messages to subscribers. This was our solution to the Predict the Sky challenge for the NASA Space Apps Hackathon in NYC.
Other creators -
Transit Trainer
An educational app that taught people the NYC subway map at the Google HTML5 Web App Hackathon.
Voronoi Diacam
We built a Voronoi Diagram over google maps that uses geolocation and a timestamp to place an image from Flickr & FourSquare into cells to fill up Manhattan. We won best use of Flickr's API.
Other creatorsSee project -
WhoWorks.At is a Chrome extension that let's you discover your connections while you browse the web.
Other creatorsSee project -
Night Gator
Night Gator was built on the idea of having a "one stop shop" for Gainesville Drink Specials. A place where Gainesville residents and students could instantly access where Gainesville's best drink specials were and on which night of the week.
This one of my first site that I ever built that made a profit. This site paid for many drinks and a few dinners. I created it because I wanted a quick way to find the cheapest drinks around town. I started the site in 2008 and sold it in 2013…Night Gator was built on the idea of having a "one stop shop" for Gainesville Drink Specials. A place where Gainesville residents and students could instantly access where Gainesville's best drink specials were and on which night of the week.
This one of my first site that I ever built that made a profit. This site paid for many drinks and a few dinners. I created it because I wanted a quick way to find the cheapest drinks around town. I started the site in 2008 and sold it in 2013. This was also the first company I ever sold. I am no way associated or have anything to do with the new Night Gator. -
Grade Spotter
Grade Spotter is a full-featured restaurant inspection guide for your iPhone. Whether it’s a five-star restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall secret, each New York City restaurant must adhere to a standard of rules and regulations when dealing with food. With over 24,000 restaurants in the city one must question a restaurant’s sanitary principles at one point or another. Separate from taste and appearance, what food actually deserves an A and what food should be thrown in the garbage? Grade Spotter…
Grade Spotter is a full-featured restaurant inspection guide for your iPhone. Whether it’s a five-star restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall secret, each New York City restaurant must adhere to a standard of rules and regulations when dealing with food. With over 24,000 restaurants in the city one must question a restaurant’s sanitary principles at one point or another. Separate from taste and appearance, what food actually deserves an A and what food should be thrown in the garbage? Grade Spotter provides the NYC Health Department Restaurant Inspection Grades in a one-stop, user-friendly format and helps you make an informed decision on where to go.
Lemonade Stand
We created this company on the StartupBus. We had 48 hours to complete this project with a team of 5 others. I designed the logo and both Android & iPhone UI for our team. All the hard worked help the team reach the semifinals, finishing in the top 12 of 38 teams. After SXSW we where celebrated as an impressive technical achievement at New York Tech Meetup's Hack of the Month.
Other creatorsSee project
Honors & Awards
Finial Judge
Major League Hacking
MLH Prime is the championship event of Major League Hacking's (MLH) student hackathon season. Hundreds of students from around the world joined the New York area to team up, learn about bleeding edge technology, and build amazing projects over the course of 24 hours. I had the honor to get to know each team and see what they were building.
Product Tank NYC: Being a PM in enterprises, consultancies & startups
My talk was titled "How to decide what to build".
http://www.meetup.com/producttanknyc/events/229256346/ -
CUNY Startups Hackathon
I was asked to be a mentor to the hackathon participants with UX, design, and everything else in-between.
1st Place
Code vs. Cancer
We won first place at the Code vs. Cancer hackathon for building Circly.
Keynote Speaker
Per Scholas
Today the class of Cycle 11 at Per Scholas graduated and I was honored to be their keynote speaker. Per Scholas is a national non-profit organization based in New York City. Founded in 1994, they offer proven high-quality development opportunities to people in low-income, urban communities. Today, 18 young students finished their first chapter in this new adventure. I truly wish that something like this existed to help me build my foundation when I first started out. I shared my background and…
Today the class of Cycle 11 at Per Scholas graduated and I was honored to be their keynote speaker. Per Scholas is a national non-profit organization based in New York City. Founded in 1994, they offer proven high-quality development opportunities to people in low-income, urban communities. Today, 18 young students finished their first chapter in this new adventure. I truly wish that something like this existed to help me build my foundation when I first started out. I shared my background and some tips for success with the students.
You can read an abbreviated version of my speech, broken down into bite-size bits of information http://kennedysgarage.com/articles/per-scholas-keynote-speaker/ -
The East Wing
I was honored to be a guest on The East Wing, Episode #91 : The Last Show.
http://5by5.tv/eastwing/91 -
Floating Points Season
I was honored to be a guest on Floating Points Season, Season 1 Episode 15: Designer Swears.
https://soundcloud.com/huffpostlabs/floating-points-season-1-1 -
StartupBus Success Stories: Meet the Alumni
I spoke on a panel about my experience of being on the 2011 StartupBus.
Forbes Hackathon
First time being a judge at a hackathon. I had a blast getting to know the participants and what they were working on. The people of Forbes were great host and put on a very well organized event.
NYC Mobile .NET Developers MeetUp
I talked about Designing for Mobile, the title was Stop Designing iOS apps. My slides from the event https://speakerdeck.com/kennedysgarage/stop-designing-ios-apps
3rd Place
NYC BigApps
We won 3rd place for building Hired in NY.
Spark with Nora Young
I was briefly interviewed by Nora Young on her show Spark. It was show 221: The Future of Work. Workplace Science. Rethinking Recruiting and the Resume. The Automated Workforce. Live/work Homestead Design. The Information Economy.
http://www.cbc.ca/spark/episodes/2013/06/14/blog-and-aut-title-217-the-future-of-work-workplace-science-rethinking-recruiting-and-the-resume-the/ -
Publishing Hackathon
I was asked to be a mentor to the hackathon participants with UX, design, and everything else in-between.
Appeared on The Pitch
Status Chart was selected to be on Betabeat's The Pitch Season 2. You can watch my episode http://betabeat.com/pitch/the-pitch-season-2-episode-three-status-chart-a-new-kind-of-resume/
Innovation Unleashed
I was on a panel to discuss hackathons, it was called Unleash the Beast: How to Hack a Hackathon, Save the World and Make Your Parents Proud.
Featured Startup
My team was honored as a Featured Startup at #techdrinkup for Status Chart.
NY Location-Based Apps Meetup
I talked about Grade Spotter and “the UX of location in iOS apps”. My slides from the event https://speakerdeck.com/kennedysgarage/talk-about-the-ux-of-location-in-ios-apps
Hack of the Month
NY Tech Meetup
My team was honored with Hack of the Month at NY Tech Meetup for Status Chart.
#1 Spot
Hacker News
I know it's not that greatest thing, but sometimes the small things are pretty awesome. Status Chart's post was #1 on Hacker News all day.
2nd Place
TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon NYC
We won 2nd place for building Poachbase.
Most Poachable Players in Tech
Betabeat selected me as one of the Most Poachable Players in Tech in spring 2012
http://betabeat.com/2012/04/betabeats-spring-2012-most-poachable-players-in-tech/#slide22 -
The East Wing
I was honored to be a guest on The East Wing, Episode #1 : Chris Kennedy.
http://5by5.tv/eastwing/1-kennedy -
1st Place
Photo Hack Day I
Late in the evening we decided to throw a impromptu food eating contest that I won. The video always put's a simple on my face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPcVn4Im1ck. Oh yeah, also won Best use of Flickr's API on our app Voronoi Diacam.
Forrst Podcast
I was honored to be a guest on the Forrst Podcast, Episode #88 : Dinosaurs and Aliens
Hack of the Month
NY Tech Meetup
My team was honored with Hack of the Month at NY Tech Meetup for Lemonade Stand.
2nd Place
eBay Hangover Party and Speed Hack
David Kay and I won $500 bucks at an eBay hackathon. We integrated eBay's API into our Lemonade Stand. Something to keep in mind is that we did a hackathon within another hackathon.
Person of the Year
Time Magazine
Native or bilingual proficiency
Sign Languages
Limited working proficiency
- PresentHelping support and grow New York's hacker culture.
Gainesville #41 F&AM
Harry S. Truman #1066 F&AM
Recommendations received
2 people have recommended C.M.
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Each Steel City store is its own expression. Every table, rack, shelf is a vintage piece that was found intentionally for that space. In world where…
Each Steel City store is its own expression. Every table, rack, shelf is a vintage piece that was found intentionally for that space. In world where…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
2 weeks from pitch to money in the bank? How good will that feel? We’ve all heard stories about someone raising millions, in 2 weeks. And usually,…
2 weeks from pitch to money in the bank? How good will that feel? We’ve all heard stories about someone raising millions, in 2 weeks. And usually,…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
We're going into hiring mode at Dupe.com (formerly Carrot) — we will be putting up JDs soon. Immediate need in design is someone to come in and take…
We're going into hiring mode at Dupe.com (formerly Carrot) — we will be putting up JDs soon. Immediate need in design is someone to come in and take…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
Some of ya'll might have noticed changes to my profile (and accent) and that's because Leah, Jasper and I moved from NYC (our home of 20 years) to…
Some of ya'll might have noticed changes to my profile (and accent) and that's because Leah, Jasper and I moved from NYC (our home of 20 years) to…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
*** TL,DR: “Cold Drinks, Warm Intros” is BACK! RSVP info in comments. Back in 2022, during the Clearco years, we put together a little evening event…
*** TL,DR: “Cold Drinks, Warm Intros” is BACK! RSVP info in comments. Back in 2022, during the Clearco years, we put together a little evening event…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
🧵 7 ways the VC landscape is shifting: 1. Competition: Capital influx intensifies competition, pushing firms to offer unique value, better…
🧵 7 ways the VC landscape is shifting: 1. Competition: Capital influx intensifies competition, pushing firms to offer unique value, better…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
This entrepreneur was the first data engineer at Salesforce before helping WeWork scale its data team from 2 to 100+ employees. 🧵 Today, he’s…
This entrepreneur was the first data engineer at Salesforce before helping WeWork scale its data team from 2 to 100+ employees. 🧵 Today, he’s…
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
Anyone in need of an amazing freelance project manager? Shoot me a message!!
Anyone in need of an amazing freelance project manager? Shoot me a message!!
Liked by C.M. Kennedy
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