Majors in Computer Science, Applied Math, and Statistics.
- Software & Machine…
Articles by Josiah
Hey everyone, my team has a few open roles in software engineering and computer vision. You could be a part of designing every Tesla, simulating…
Hey everyone, my team has a few open roles in software engineering and computer vision. You could be a part of designing every Tesla, simulating…
Liked by Josiah Coad
Job Opening at Marky: Data Analytics Engineer (Part-Time) We help people grow their businesses using social media! We are a fast-growing startup…
Job Opening at Marky: Data Analytics Engineer (Part-Time) We help people grow their businesses using social media! We are a fast-growing startup…
Liked by Josiah Coad
Job Opening at Marky: Data Analytics Engineer (Part-Time) We help people grow their businesses using social media! We are a fast-growing startup…
Job Opening at Marky: Data Analytics Engineer (Part-Time) We help people grow their businesses using social media! We are a fast-growing startup…
Shared by Josiah Coad
Activities and Societies: Taught Neural Networks to 25+ Oxford students in a course that I designed (students included masters and PhDs). Elsevier Empowering Knowledge Prize won for NLP project at the Oxford Hack among 300 students from 25 countries. Featured in the Oxford Entrepreneurs media, the largest European Entrepreneurship society.
Volunteer Experience
Service and Office Runner
Kootenai Health
- Present 9 years 7 months
Social Services
Had a blast volunteering for a month with other people my age as we serviced nurses and patients.
3rd World Development Volunteerism
Global Christian Hands
- Present 9 years 9 months
Civil Rights and Social Action
Built houses and helped impoverished communities on a multi-week humanitarian project in Belize
FreeStyle: A Sketch-based Wireframing Tool
Conference on Pen and Touch Technology in Education
We have developed an interactive tool called FreeStyle that allows designers the ability to quickly sketch a web-based interface electronically. The designer can draw web-based HTML elements on the canvas and in response, FreeStyle transforms the sketch into the respective code.
Other authors -
HackRice Hackathon Winner
Won 2nd Place (and Best Big-data App from Two Sigma) out of 300 participants for a recommendation engine. Designed a crawler through Githubs api's to rank most interesting repos for developers and distributed on Chrome store.
Co-Leading a Robotics Team in an International NASA Underwater Robotics Competition
On a team of over 40 to compete in an international competition engineering a robot to maneuver and perform tasks underwater.
Other creatorsSee project -
La Serena Summer School for Data Science
Studied machine learning, high performance computing, and statistical tools for large data sets in Python and R. Project achieved a 98% prediction accuracy / 98% f1-score (beating previous research at 88% accuracy).
Oxford Hackathon Winner
Won among 300 students from 92 countries the Elsevier Empowering Knowledge Prize at the Oxford Hack. Developed a web app using a Python backend and React frontend with a NLP capabilities for medical applications.
Sketch Recognition For Graphic Designers
Published a paper and presented at the CPTTE conference for algorithms identifying hand-drawn wireframe designs.
Building a Cost-Effective Customizable Meteorological Research Station from Scratch
Programming in Python and Bash and engineering electrical circuity for a meteorological weather research station to be deployed off the coast of Kuwait
Other creatorsSee project
Honors & Awards
Barry Goldwater Nominee
US Government
Nominated as a national contestant for the Barry Goldwater scholarship. Named "The most prestigious undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering in America".
Winner of Taxi Data Science Competition
Texas A&M School of Data Science
Won 2nd from over 40 graduate teams in analyzing over a billion data points (50+ GB) of taxi data. Fit a predictive and interpretable model using a multilinear regression model with time series errors in Python and R.
Multi-time Hackathon Winner, incl. Oxford Hackathon
Major League Hacking
Second Overall Hackathon Project out of 300 participants for a recommendation engine insert for Github (like that on Netflix or Amazon) to help developers find related and interesting code repos
Won Best Big-data App from Two Sigma; Won Best Command Line Tool from Quantlab (we also made GitStub-Terminal). Currently packaging it as a chrome extension!
Elsevier Empowering Knowledge Prize won for NLP project at the Oxford Hack among 300 students from 92 countries. Featured in the…Second Overall Hackathon Project out of 300 participants for a recommendation engine insert for Github (like that on Netflix or Amazon) to help developers find related and interesting code repos
Won Best Big-data App from Two Sigma; Won Best Command Line Tool from Quantlab (we also made GitStub-Terminal). Currently packaging it as a chrome extension!
Elsevier Empowering Knowledge Prize won for NLP project at the Oxford Hack among 300 students from 92 countries. Featured in the Oxford Entrepreneurs media, the largest European Entrepreneurship society. -
A&M Galveston Highest Impact Student
Texas A&M Galveston
Chosen by administration for academic achievement, collegiate service, and campus leadership
Test Scores
Score: 31
Score: 3.9/4.0
Elementary proficiency
Texas A&M University Maroon and White Fellow
Leadership Fellow
- PresentPart of Texas A&M's most prestigious leadership organization for highly involved and influential students on campus. Through this I receive personal mentoring by a leader in my field.
NAE Grand Challenge Scholar
- PresentSelected as part of a select group at A&M to lead global, interdisciplinary research, entrepreneurship, and service.
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‘In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.’ - Peter Thiel This is truer now than ever before. AI…
‘In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.’ - Peter Thiel This is truer now than ever before. AI…
Liked by Josiah Coad
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