Jivitesh Poojary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
500+ connections
As a Lead ML Engineer with 11 years of industry experience, I have a foundational…
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve officially cleared the Salesforce Certified AI Specialist certification! 🤖 Looking forward to applying this…
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve officially cleared the Salesforce Certified AI Specialist certification! 🤖 Looking forward to applying this…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
How can we evaluate Multi-Agent Systems? MultiAgentBench is a new benchmark across diverse scenarios, measuring task completion and coordination…
How can we evaluate Multi-Agent Systems? MultiAgentBench is a new benchmark across diverse scenarios, measuring task completion and coordination…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
The Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, VJTI Mumbai is proud to announce the inauguration of the "Centre of Excellence in…
The Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, VJTI Mumbai is proud to announce the inauguration of the "Centre of Excellence in…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
Indiana University Bloomington
Founder - IU Data Science Club
Developer - CyberInfrastructure for Network Science
Researcher - Cognitive Development Lab
Mentor - R Users group -
Editor - Nirmaan (College Magazine)
Technical team - Technovanza (National technical festival)
Member - Computer Society of India - VJTI Chapter -
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Student Consultant - Data Science Consulting Club
Indiana University Bloomington
- Present 8 years 7 months
Science and Technology
- Student consultant at Indiana University Data Science Consulting Club where real world data science problems are tackled for clients from research and industry.
R Bootcamp - Teaching Assistant
Indiana University Bloomington
- Present 7 years 11 months
Science and Technology
- Helped fellow graduate student in understanding the basics of R programming language and evaluated the Datacamp tutorials to provide feedback to instructors.
IU Science Fest - Event Co-ordinator
Indiana University Bloomington
- Present 8 years 6 months
- Assisted Prof. Tor Lattimore and Prof. Qin Zhang in organizing the event
- Helped undergraduate and local high school students learn about AlphaGo and other AI enabled computer games -
Teach For India
- 1 year 3 months
- Teach Maths and Science to students for a competitive exams.
- Managed a group of 50 students on excursions to museums and science centers
Building Customized Text Mining Tools via Shiny Framework: The Future of Data Visualization
Conference: The 28th Modern Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, At Fort Wayne, Indiana
With the increasing volume of data, there is a growing need for dynamic data visualization to help reveal instant changes in data patterns. There exist many commercial visualization tools, but traditional scholars are often disengaged from the tool development process; thus, the choice of functionalities is contingent upon tool developers whose choice may not fit the end-users. This collaboration, however, has a potential in bridging the gap between traditional scholars, who are more interested…
With the increasing volume of data, there is a growing need for dynamic data visualization to help reveal instant changes in data patterns. There exist many commercial visualization tools, but traditional scholars are often disengaged from the tool development process; thus, the choice of functionalities is contingent upon tool developers whose choice may not fit the end-users. This collaboration, however, has a potential in bridging the gap between traditional scholars, who are more interested in sense-making of the text than in the tools, and the data scientists, who are more interested in the tools than in the substance, but must still contextualise the outcomes. Until recently, this collaborative process was hindered by the complexity of customisation procedures and technological hurdles imposed on users with new installations. With the advent of reactive web frameworks, such as Shiny, the user-driven customisation becomes not only feasible, but also essential to advance scientific research. In this paper, we demonstrate a collaborative effort between learned scholars and tool developers, allowing for a computational and humanistic fusion.
Other authorsSee publication
Advanced Database systems
Applied Machine Learning
CSCI - B659
Applied Machine Learning for Signal Processing
ENGR - E599
Applied Machine Learning in Cognitive Science
PSY - P657
Applied Mathematics
Applying Machine Learning Techniques in Computational Linguistics
CSCI - B659
Automata Theory
Categorical Data Analysis
STAT - S637
Cloud Computing
Data Mining
CSCI - B565
Data Structures and Algorithms
Database Application
Deep Learning Systems
ENGR - E533
Discrete Structures
Distributed System
Exploratory Data Analysis
STAT - S670
Information Visualizations
ILS - Z637
Introduction to Data Mining
Parellel Computing
Research Project
ILS - Z534
Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision-Making
SPEA - V506
Statistical Learning Theory
STAT - S782
Winner - 2017 Indiana Medicaid Challenge
Our team 'Random Variables' won the Indiana Medicaid Data Challenge. Our solution focused on identifying regions in the State of Indiana where mental health care facilities could be improved.
We were awarded a certificate, an opportunity to present our analysis at the Midwest IT conference and a cash prize of $1000. The presentation was given to decision makers from - challenge organizers Regenstrief Institute, Inc., KSM Consulting, Indiana HIMSS Chapter, Indiana Family and Social…Our team 'Random Variables' won the Indiana Medicaid Data Challenge. Our solution focused on identifying regions in the State of Indiana where mental health care facilities could be improved.
We were awarded a certificate, an opportunity to present our analysis at the Midwest IT conference and a cash prize of $1000. The presentation was given to decision makers from - challenge organizers Regenstrief Institute, Inc., KSM Consulting, Indiana HIMSS Chapter, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration and Indiana MPH.
Other creatorsSee project -
- Present
We aim to build a repository of Shiny apps where the user can create quick visualizations by uploading data. Some of the visualization types include:
- Sankey flow diagram
- Stream graphOther creatorsSee project -
DrivenData - Warm Up: Predict Blood Donations
- The dataset is from a mobile blood donation vehicle in Taiwan. The Blood Transfusion Service Center drives to different universities and collects blood as part of a blood drive. We want to predict whether or not a donor will give blood the next time the vehicle comes to campus.
- Using exploratory data analysis some of the data unnecessary attributes were removed. This step was performed in R.
- The class probabilities were predicted using the predict_proba feature in decision tree and…- The dataset is from a mobile blood donation vehicle in Taiwan. The Blood Transfusion Service Center drives to different universities and collects blood as part of a blood drive. We want to predict whether or not a donor will give blood the next time the vehicle comes to campus.
- Using exploratory data analysis some of the data unnecessary attributes were removed. This step was performed in R.
- The class probabilities were predicted using the predict_proba feature in decision tree and random forrest classifiers of the scikit package.
- Data is courtesy of Yeh, I-Cheng via the UCI Machine Learning repository -
Kaggle - March Machine Learning Mania 2017
- The objective of the competition was to forecast outcomes of all possible match-ups in the 2017 tournament.
- Primarily used five out of the eight available files, the files were joined and a new variable was created to obtain the difference between the seed rank for a given year.
- Tried two techniques - a logistic regression model and Elo benchmark
- Was able to reach top 25% of the participants -
Kaggle - Road Accidents Data Great Britain 1979-2015
The data primarily captures road accidents in UK during 2015 and has 70 features/columns and about 250K rows. Data has been fetched from Open Data Platform UK and is being shared under Open Government Licence. For more details refer to Open Data UK.
Link - https://www.kaggle.com/akshay4/road-accidents-incidence
- Our objective was to explore the data and predict the severity of the road accidents.
- This being a real data, a significant proportion of time was spent in cleaning the…The data primarily captures road accidents in UK during 2015 and has 70 features/columns and about 250K rows. Data has been fetched from Open Data Platform UK and is being shared under Open Government Licence. For more details refer to Open Data UK.
Link - https://www.kaggle.com/akshay4/road-accidents-incidence
- Our objective was to explore the data and predict the severity of the road accidents.
- This being a real data, a significant proportion of time was spent in cleaning the data
- Because of the nature of the response variable, logistic regression was the model of choice.Other creators -
Places and Spaces
The Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit introduce science mapping techniques to the general public and to experts across disciplines for educational, scientific, and practical purposes. Website - http://scimaps.org/
- We analysed the Apache command logs provided by the client. data cleaning was performed in python to remove unwanted characters in the URLs and also to remove URLs which seems to be accessed by a crawler or a bot.
- Then data was aggregated in XML, JSON and CSV…The Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit introduce science mapping techniques to the general public and to experts across disciplines for educational, scientific, and practical purposes. Website - http://scimaps.org/
- We analysed the Apache command logs provided by the client. data cleaning was performed in python to remove unwanted characters in the URLs and also to remove URLs which seems to be accessed by a crawler or a bot.
- Then data was aggregated in XML, JSON and CSV formats to integrate with the base visualizations.
- The sankey flow diagram was implemented in R Shiny using NetworkD3, the word cloud was implemented in Gephi, the bot activity tracking and tree map were implemented in Tableau.
- The visualizations helped the clients gain insights regarding improving their website to increase user traffic.Other creatorsSee project -
Pattern in U.S. monthly unemployment rate
- The data obtained from Federal Reserve of St. Louis’ FRED data repository, contains the unadjusted U.S. monthly unemployment rate from January 1948 to January 2017.
- We analysed the data by breaking this time series down into components (trend, seasonal and oscillation), and finding out what might predict the unemployment rate.
- After studying different possible causal parameters we concluded that percentage change in Real Growth Domestic Product (RGDP) was inversely related to…- The data obtained from Federal Reserve of St. Louis’ FRED data repository, contains the unadjusted U.S. monthly unemployment rate from January 1948 to January 2017.
- We analysed the data by breaking this time series down into components (trend, seasonal and oscillation), and finding out what might predict the unemployment rate.
- After studying different possible causal parameters we concluded that percentage change in Real Growth Domestic Product (RGDP) was inversely related to Unemployment rate, and on an average had a time series lag of up to 1.5 years in advance.
- The data can be obtained here - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/Other creators -
Hurricanes and himmicanes
- Used R (ggplot2) to visually explore the data of hurricanes in the US, to study if there was a meaningful difference between the distribution of damage caused by hurricanes with female names and the distribution of damage caused by hurricanes with male names
- We observed that the data had a bias in the naming of hurricanes, and concluded that any observed difference between the damage caused by feminine-named and masculine-named hurricanes, was due to a few outliers.
- A 2014 paper…- Used R (ggplot2) to visually explore the data of hurricanes in the US, to study if there was a meaningful difference between the distribution of damage caused by hurricanes with female names and the distribution of damage caused by hurricanes with male names
- We observed that the data had a bias in the naming of hurricanes, and concluded that any observed difference between the damage caused by feminine-named and masculine-named hurricanes, was due to a few outliers.
- A 2014 paper published in PNAS was titled “Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes.” The paper can be found here - http://www.pnas.org/content/111/24/8782.fullOther creators -
Kaggle - Credit Card Fraud Detection
- The datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by european cardholders. This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions.
- The primary objective of the project was to reduce the false negatives at a same time maintaining the accuracy.
- Our approach was bootstrapped random undersampling of the…- The datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by european cardholders. This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions.
- The primary objective of the project was to reduce the false negatives at a same time maintaining the accuracy.
- Our approach was bootstrapped random undersampling of the majority class followed by bagging of these indivisual subsamples.
- We applied Random Forest Classifier, Adaboost and XGBoost iteratively to obtain the best parameters for each of the models.
- The implementation was done uisng the scikit machine learning toolkit in Python.
- The best result we obtained was of zero False Negatives with 60% accuracy for Random Forrest Classifier
- The accuracy was compared with brute force application of Random Forrest algorithm using WekaOther creators -
Kaggle - House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques
- The objective of the project was to accurately predict the house prices in Ames, Iowa as part of the Kaggle competition “House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques”. The data was provided by Dean De Cock from Truman State University.
- Feature selection was performed in R using Boruta technique.
- Different approaches Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Adaboost and XGBoost were tried to obtain the best results. This implementation was performed in Python using the…- The objective of the project was to accurately predict the house prices in Ames, Iowa as part of the Kaggle competition “House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques”. The data was provided by Dean De Cock from Truman State University.
- Feature selection was performed in R using Boruta technique.
- Different approaches Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Adaboost and XGBoost were tried to obtain the best results. This implementation was performed in Python using the Scikit Machine Learning libraries.
- We obtained the best results using the XGBoost algorithm giving us a rank in the top 20% of the competition.Other creators -
Kaggle - Outbrain Click Prediction
- The objective of the project was to predict a space-delimited list of ads associated with a display block, ordered by decreasing likelihood of being clicked.
- Applied maximum likelihood estimation and probability adjustment using Adaptivesmoothing techniques, used Follow the Regression Leader (FTRL – Proximal) algorithm for predicting the probability of ads being clicked.
- Implementation was done in python on IU High Performance Computing servers.
- The evaluation metric for the…- The objective of the project was to predict a space-delimited list of ads associated with a display block, ordered by decreasing likelihood of being clicked.
- Applied maximum likelihood estimation and probability adjustment using Adaptivesmoothing techniques, used Follow the Regression Leader (FTRL – Proximal) algorithm for predicting the probability of ads being clicked.
- Implementation was done in python on IU High Performance Computing servers.
- The evaluation metric for the project was Mean Average Precision (MAP) with 12 as the number of predicted nodes
- We obtained the best results using FTRL-Proximal giving us top 15% rank in the competition.Other creators -
Decision making using SAS
- Real Estate dataset: Analyze the dataset in understanding the impact of certain attributes in prediction of property prices.
- General Social survey dataset: Performing multivariate regression analysis, getting correlation and variance inflation factorsfor understanding the health index
- Baseball dataset: Executing bivariate regression analysis for understanding the attendance at a game in relation to win rate,salary, the type of league, etc.
- Economic survey dataset: Performing…- Real Estate dataset: Analyze the dataset in understanding the impact of certain attributes in prediction of property prices.
- General Social survey dataset: Performing multivariate regression analysis, getting correlation and variance inflation factorsfor understanding the health index
- Baseball dataset: Executing bivariate regression analysis for understanding the attendance at a game in relation to win rate,salary, the type of league, etc.
- Economic survey dataset: Performing ANOVA on few attributes and understanding the variation in the dataOther creators -
Deloitte - Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)
The project was for a leading organization in electronic signature technology and Digital Transaction Management services for facilitating electronic exchanges of contracts and signed documents, where we helped them improve their quote to contract processes using a Apttus CPQ-CLM systems.
The solution enabled clients the sales, revenue and legal teams to improve their productivity significantly by seamlessly connecting the sales and contract processes into a single, efficient…The project was for a leading organization in electronic signature technology and Digital Transaction Management services for facilitating electronic exchanges of contracts and signed documents, where we helped them improve their quote to contract processes using a Apttus CPQ-CLM systems.
The solution enabled clients the sales, revenue and legal teams to improve their productivity significantly by seamlessly connecting the sales and contract processes into a single, efficient revenue-creation system. The implementation was done on the Force.com platform by leveraging tools like apex, visualforce, test class, Batch processes, data conversion and reports & dashboards. -
SAP - Salesforce: Data warehousing and data conversion
Was part of a specialist group for data conversation for one of the biggest semiconductor vendors in the world, worked closely with different technology teams in delivering a robust sales and pricing system
Deloitte - Configure, Price and Quote (CPQ)
The project was for a leading American cloud computing company, where we helped them improve their sales processes using a CPQ system.
Created a CPQ system for the client using Apttus CPQ packages on Force.com platform resulting in significant improvements in the quoting and pricing processes. The system allowed the client to speed up deal cycles, close more deals, automate sales across channels, analyse real-time performance of sales using interactive dashboards and gain visibility…The project was for a leading American cloud computing company, where we helped them improve their sales processes using a CPQ system.
Created a CPQ system for the client using Apttus CPQ packages on Force.com platform resulting in significant improvements in the quoting and pricing processes. The system allowed the client to speed up deal cycles, close more deals, automate sales across channels, analyse real-time performance of sales using interactive dashboards and gain visibility into changes that could impact revenue targets. -
Offline English Character Recognition
- The project was about extracting and recognizing handwritten characters or machine texts from scanned images which could then be used in a wide variety of applications
- Character recognition was done using a Neural Networks algorithm using two techniques: identity matrices and the other being ASCII codes
- We made use of different types of neural networks namely: feed-forward back propagation network, Elman back-propagation network and the fitting network. The simulation was done using…- The project was about extracting and recognizing handwritten characters or machine texts from scanned images which could then be used in a wide variety of applications
- Character recognition was done using a Neural Networks algorithm using two techniques: identity matrices and the other being ASCII codes
- We made use of different types of neural networks namely: feed-forward back propagation network, Elman back-propagation network and the fitting network. The simulation was done using MATLABOther creators -
IBM - The Great Mind Challenge 2012 - Paperless Hospital Service
- We developed a website for a hospital to leverage hospital services where patient need not perform any paper-work while getting admitted and treated, by providing a seamless application that would handle the information of thousands of patients and provide efficient healthcare services
- We were primarily engaged in Server side scripting using JSP (Java server pages). The interface was built using IBM Tools – WASCE for application server, DB2 as database serverOther creators
Honors & Awards
Most Time Saver Award - Comcast Advertising Hackathon
Comcast Advertising
CIO Recognition Award
Dish Network, CIO
Winner - Indiana Medicaid Data Challenge
HIMSS Indiana Chapter
Citadel Chicago Data Open - Finalist
Citadel | Citadel Securities
Certificate of Appreciation
Government of Maharashtra
For outstanding work in the Chief Minister’s Fellowship Program, 2015
Outstanding Award
Driving business critical data engineering and conversion processes areas which helped the team to quickly turn around on the roadblocks.
Test Scores
Score: 320
Score: 99.98 %
All India Rank - 11
Score: 99.62 %
Score: 99.72 %
Native or bilingual proficiency
Native or bilingual proficiency
Limited working proficiency
Limited working proficiency
IEEE Computer Society
Active Member
- Present -
American Statistical Association
Active Member
- Present -
IU Data Science Club
-- Founded the club with a group of graduate students in the Data Science Program at Indiana University Bloomington. - Served as the Director of Professional Development of from March 2017 - February 2018. - Currently mentoring the next batch of club leadership
More activity by Jivitesh
Thanks CDO Magazine for hosting the Inaugural Boardroom Dinner. I had a great time speaking with my fellow attendees and panel members. Looking…
Thanks CDO Magazine for hosting the Inaugural Boardroom Dinner. I had a great time speaking with my fellow attendees and panel members. Looking…
Shared by Jivitesh Poojary
Senior data, analytics, and AI executives examined what it takes to harness enterprise AI safely and effectively at 📍 CDO Magazine’s Philadelphia…
Senior data, analytics, and AI executives examined what it takes to harness enterprise AI safely and effectively at 📍 CDO Magazine’s Philadelphia…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
ICYMI: With just under one year until the XXV Olympic Winter Games begin, we recently announced National Broadcasting Company and Peacock will be the…
ICYMI: With just under one year until the XXV Olympic Winter Games begin, we recently announced National Broadcasting Company and Peacock will be the…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
🔥 8 years in Project Management : Lessons from the Field 🔥 In 2022, I earned my PMP certification and continued working in hybrid and agile…
🔥 8 years in Project Management : Lessons from the Field 🔥 In 2022, I earned my PMP certification and continued working in hybrid and agile…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
⚽️ Moneyball, but make it AI-powered! ⚡️ One of our customers is taking player scouting to the next level with IBM watsonx and Llama, giving them an…
⚽️ Moneyball, but make it AI-powered! ⚡️ One of our customers is taking player scouting to the next level with IBM watsonx and Llama, giving them an…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
John-Marcus Phillips, VP of Product Management, joins fellow industry experts at #OpEd2025 on March 3 for a conversation on uncovering the winning…
John-Marcus Phillips, VP of Product Management, joins fellow industry experts at #OpEd2025 on March 3 for a conversation on uncovering the winning…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in Perplexity’s Business Fellowship to further develop my skills within AI. Eager to contribute…
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in Perplexity’s Business Fellowship to further develop my skills within AI. Eager to contribute…
Shared by Jivitesh Poojary
Honored to have presented at hashtag #AIDevWorld2025! 🎯 Last week, I delivered a technical deep-dive on AI/ML frameworks to a full house of…
Honored to have presented at hashtag #AIDevWorld2025! 🎯 Last week, I delivered a technical deep-dive on AI/ML frameworks to a full house of…
Liked by Jivitesh Poojary
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